please empty your brain below

I think everyone who voted Labour at the last election should be shot.

What has Tony Blair has done in the last 10 years apart from my tax's shooting up,lots of new stealth tax's and Iraq ??? Good bye Mr Blair I hope you enjoy your retirement because over 100 British troops that died in Iraq wont. As for Gordon Brown? dont bother unpacking it will be a short stay in number 10.

Let's see you dig yourself out of this one Tony.

The People's Prime Minister? Not on your life!

Bush and Blair have the souls of a nation on their conscience. I for one will be praying for forgiveness.

At last Mr Bliar has made a decision of which I approve, resigning. If only his government would hurry up and follow him into the wilderness, I could crack open that bottle of champagne I've had waiting on ice since 1997.

At least there is the literal sour grapes satisfaction of toasting a host of NuLabour friends with "I told you so" about TB's inherent lack of judgement. His ego never learned that you nudge complex social systems very, very gently - and then watch what happens over a reasonable period.

Iraq? I-shmuck, more like!!!!!!!

I sometimes picture this crop of politicians as a writhing mass of blue/black leeches bloating themselves on the lifeblood of Britannia. That one of them has become so engorged he must relinquish his grip and drop from the helpless, prostrate body is scant consolation. In Blair's case it is only in preparation for an assault on a fat, useless carcase that will bring him even greater rewards, popular acclaim in the USA. Unfortunately there is a surfeit of parasites like him waiting to take their place on the helpless victim. Good riddance. A pox on him, his henchmen and his imitators.

After a shoirt period under Brown, will we be bleating for the return of Blair!?
Or maybe dissolution of Parliament and for a strong leader ruling by decree? Hang on, don't we in effect have that..?

ps With red snapper's comments I don't agree. I reackon those poor sods will be wanting to shoot themselves. Subtle difference...


Whatever he said!

Political bloggers are a funny bunch. They're generally dead-on about how bad the other parties are, and yet somehow miss how theirs is just as bad as the rest.

There's only one solution: Ban democracy and put the Queen back in charge.

All politicians are as bad as one another - we will be having this same debate in a few years if the Tories or whoever get in. plus ca change and all that.

Has everyone forgotten what Thatcher did to this country? Anyone picking up from that would have problems.

And the war...damned if they did, damned if they did nothing.

This blog isn't fun today and I am not has pi**ed me off so much discussing the Olympics is preferable.

Whatever everyone thinks I think the opposite and hate you for your obstinate and illogical opinions.

It's good to be right all the time, it turns out that my Granny was right about me being perfect.

Apart from the Iraq War, dreadful as it is, Blair's tenure in office has resulted in the highest level of employment, lowest inflation rate and more education opportunities. The blot on Blair's record will forever be him stupidly following Bush to war.

Gosh... maybe Jeb Bush ought to run for something over in the UK. THEN you'd really get a taste of what truly anti-liberal leadership is like.

Tony Blair would also fail to win any popularity contests on this side of the pond... either with liberals or conservatives.

Most popular UK citzens?

Paul McCartney
Harry Potter
Robin Leach

in that order... lol!

Amused: damned if they did nothing? Why do anything? How much is Blair achieving in Iran, Nth Korea, China (not democratic, yet we seem to be able to live with their money, I mean, live with them) executions in USA, Cuba, Myanmar, etc. Nowt. But that's how it should be, not invading another country whose standards aren't identical to those of the US. But that's okay: Baby Bush is getting even for Pa/finishing the job Pa started/"securing" (yeah right) cheap oil/reward shareholders of Haliburton(etal)/.

Amused: unless you mean "damned" by the AMericans for not "being with them", and therefore, by their definition, "against them"? Gee, what great friends. "Lets kill us some A-Rabs and steal their oil as a punishment for being invaded."

You are right about the economy, but unnecessary government expenditure does tend to stimulate the economy.

Sorry, AMused: it's not you, it politicians. Plus I had a lot of coffee (and some codeine) for me cold.

Excellent comments!
Just as tedious as I was hoping for...

...mine wasn't tedious you bumhead.

Oooo let's talk about the Olympics.

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