please empty your brain below

Intriguing. Wondering where 13 miles from Littlehampton might take one. I’ve settled on Pulborough, Chichester and Shoreham in that order of likelihood. Southern Region great for open jaw day returns by rail with walk between stations due to relatively high number of possible routes.

There’s a (simpler) West Beach Café too by Asif Khan.
Back down in my neck of the woods! Looking forward to reading more, when you're suitably rested. There is a strong possibility that we were briefly on the same train yesterday morning, between Hove and Lancing as well.
Littlehampton was our beach day destination when the kids were little. We briefly explored the east side first time around and settled for the west beach in subsequent visits, a nice walk through a protected natural area, the always fenced off fort, the too far from the beach cafe and toilets, and nothing else, perfect to just sit down for a few hours and enjoy the quiet while the kids play and you observe the crowded busy east beach from afar.
Glad to hear the Windmill is still there. I can remember it being the place we retired to at lunch times and early evenings on charabanc tours from South Norwood. It was a Courage pub if I remember rightly. Combined with a spin on the Wildmouse rollercoaster (a seriously stupid idea after lunchtime drinking) about a good as it got in mid seventies Littllehampton. The place does not seemed to have improved with age but I still remember it fondly as a good day out at the seaside. 13 miles in any direction, except south is going to take through some nice places so looking forward to that. Hats off for being able to write anything.
I've now finished the post, having added 13 more photos, a few dozen links and an extra postcard, for what it's worth.

More coastal shenanigans tomorrow.
Keith - the Windmill is not still there (The cinema is, but the former pub/Harvester isn't).

It burnt down a few years ago, and only this year has the redevelopment of the space been approved (and doing much more than mere rebuilding).

And sadly the bigger rollercoasters (not that a wild mouse is that big) are long gone.
I’m going to go for Amberley (Chalk Pits Museum). Though as it’s not on the coast 🤔. Actually, better to do Ford to Amberley, and wait until next month when the trains will be more frequent!

dg writes: already been
Another spontaneously combusting Pub. How sad.
A nice day for a dose of vitamin sea!
No new post yet! Normally up at 7 am. Hope all is well.
I too was born in South Norwood!

Apart from a few church outings, and Sunday School holidays at Belgrave House (was on Fitzalan Road), we didn't go to Littlehampton by charabanc. We more frequently went by train (with 'Passenger Luggage in Advance' in a huge trunk) for family summer holidays in the 50s and 60s.

We used a holiday flat in South Terrace (at the very Eastern end of the town) that was owned by a close family friend.

We spent many happy hours on the beach, tennis courts, bowling green (watching Mum and Dad!), and the pitch and putt course. We always went on the miniature railway at least once in the week/fortnight so we could on the boating lake in Mewsbrook Park

Happy memories of a long time ago!
I grew up in Rustington, just a short walk along the seafront away, and one of my first jobs was working on the change desk in Harbour Park's arcade. The East Beach Cafe is called 'The Rusty Bucket' in our family.

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