please empty your brain below

I like my red wine to breathe. I like my white wine to stayed chilled. I also like to pace my drinking. So why does the waiter keep refilling my glass.

I also hate going to a restaurant, especially locally, when the manager decides to come over and moan about the crime rate/traffic congestion/difficulty of getting into the best schools while I'm trying to relax.

May I recommend a course in assertiveness Gert?

How about, The waiter/waitress always approaches to take an order when one of your party is away from the table (for some reason or other)?

Um, building on that, if one of your number nips to the facilities, the food arrives at exactly that time...

First you drink your bottle of Budvar aperitif, then you demolish a bottle of wine, then something short afterwards. Then you go unsteadily to the toilet and find it's two storeys down a narrow spiral staircase with a "mind your head" concrete lintel right at the bottom ... and it's a single unisex cubicle in a poor state of hygiene and the paper's all gone ... and then there's the journey back up...

All this is so last century, folks. Up here in (backward) Scotland, everyone goes to "eat all you want" restaurants nowadays. By eliminating the waiter, and physically moving to help yourself, you shave megapounds of the bill and resume full control of your eating experience. It's like being at home, except you don't have to cook or wash up. I thoroughly recommend it.

Great bonus for the Scots, those places - there's no need to leave a tip as you've done all the work yourself!!

Agh, I hate buffets (and salad bars). Both manage to serve the food tepid. And I can only guess at the food poisoning.

Yep I prefer to have my microbes silver served
tip: never ever antagonise waiters no matter how obnoxious - read 'Trainspotting' if you need convincing

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