please empty your brain below


So it's the London Museum of Fish Filleting then?

I dunno, he may have got the underground. That's a real treat

6) a trip to the Boat Race

I took Andy Miller's book with me, and found myself on the train reading chapter 5, which turned out to be all about the Boat Race.

Perhaps I was destined to roll a 6 all along...

I spend my Sundays in Ikea, sometimes. Really cruisy.

...whereas I spent my Sunday with two crews.
Not sure who got the better deal.

I too was useless at sport. When the two captains picked teams I was always left to last and then I was given away to the other side!
But don't give up DG. Now in my dotage I have been given the job of captain of the bowls team I play for. Think of the fun I can have when picking the teams!!!

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