please empty your brain below

Thanks and congratulations to you!

And thank you for clicking here from the link on your website at the same time every morning - these stats trackers are like Big Brother sometimes

Just for info, in Mozilla you are static red exclamation marks.

But you look good in IE6

Pop-up killer is great.
And free.
Never read a pop-up ad since I installed it

And I almost always click in from another site, just to annoy you. Just to let you know

I always come thick and fast. Thanks for asking.

Why DG you do study your stats closely - I feel you may need to get out more! ....and yet I do read my fav blogs over the toast and marmite each morning....

I use the Mozilla-based Galeon web browser that has a handy dandy menu option that will block all pop-ups. I almost never see pop-ups anymore. Unfortunataly you have to run Linux or some othe Unix varient to get this browser.

Scott, Linux is not an option. I've already been accused of being vaguely anorakky - entering the world of Linux sounds positively dangerous to me on that front.

And David, no need to remind us. We already recognise that the volume and content of your outpourings are legendary.

Hello there, according to your nice red scrolling announcement I'm your 10,000th visitor. How do I claim my prize?

OK, having read further I realise I'm not Mr.10,000 darn it.

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