please empty your brain below

Top man, DG!
I think the OFF TOPIC KLAXON needs to be sounded more often.
"most of you aren't reading the comments anyway"
Since you mention it, there have been a few occasions when I could see at a glance that the day's post held no interest for me and I didn't read it, but I still read the comments... :)
Obviously the majority of people who comment read the comments :)

But most people do neither.
What are the rules for this blog? Is reading the comments compulsory?
That's it!?! I going to stop making comments...for today ;)
Admit it: who else has commented on an ancient post just to see if they'd get a reply?

Feb 28, 2014 ... Sometimes you veer off-topic, occasionally wildly so, but sometimes that discussion is more interesting than my post.

dg writes: And sometimes it very much isn't.
** Omphaloskepsis Klaxon **

Meanwhile...back in the real world, really important stuff continued to happen.
Well said,DG! I'll keep reading your blog posts and skim over the uninteresting comments as usual. 👍🏻
We can has kittens too?
Gosh, I'd never have guessed what Omphaloskepsis was.
Surely everyone knows what an ompahlos is? No?

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