please empty your brain below

Very good
That's the best background colour for me to read from. But I bet the turquoise preferred crew won't like it. Hmmm.... I may do a little post on that subject later.

Is it co-incidence that Blogger is down atm?


I was completely taken in....again.

Is there a cure for gullibility?


I knew one day we'd get to hear the inner DG speak...

I reloaded three times before I got it.

I only reloaded twice... so used to blogspot throwing up the wrong page on me.

You are an evil, evil man - love it!

Crackin blog Luv - makes a change from that old Geezer that's usually on ere. Your mate shaz - is she a foreign bird? Think I met her down Sinatras a coupla weeks back - nice jugs - shout me next time u need a new ringtone my mate Baz has got a convertor - Gareth - Coldplay u name it darlin - haha

You so funny. Love your site, LOVE your diamondgeezer stuff.

I was interested in seeing that you don't write so much at the moment.

I'm the chap who moves the boxes from one end of the room to the other for Cleophas; sometimes they can be really big heavy cartons full of heavyweight freshnjuicy editorial sheets and folders he's written.

My back's not what it woz you see... and I, I, I... woz wondering as a fellow Blog industry person whether you have any need for an experienced carton box carrier specialising in blogs? Preferably much smaller + lighter boxes travelling across smaller rooms.

I've just been told. It's April 1 !

Uz tha gr8est! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! J-Lo aint all that shes MINGIN innit?

jack Ryder iz well fit tho i luv him hes well fit my m8 kaz sez she snogged him but shez a lieing c0w.

Ur blog RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!

luv and piece

major 'spect .... but remember, alternative personalities are not just for April Fools Day

Duh! It's an anagram!

brilliant...i loveur stuff evenon april fool's!

I didnt even have to read the rest of it - even before it loaded I saw Frail loop at the top and got it!

I won't mention the name of the person who reloaded the page ten times, then emailed me to warn me my blog had been taken over...

No, really, I won't.

And for one moment I thought it was a joke. If only the rest of them knew the real DG.

Who's to say this isn't reality and the other 364 days are the joke, eh?

I fell for it totally! Did put a note and link on my site but for some reason it's gone strange - anyone else had probs today?

Life is short..


Except you've used the template I was going to change to....... tho I was going to tone down the pink.

People will still know, though, oh yes, and they'll all remember April Fools Day over at DiamondGeezers and laughter will be heard around the world.

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