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What a fascinating sounding place. I have an interest in London's social history, and as a family historian too would love to have something like that about the communities my ancestors lived in.
Thanks to putting me onto this museum.

Fascinating indeed. I love these local histories, kept for future generations. I was thrilled to discover photos of my neighbours' kids and possibly me and my siblings in the history library on Bancroft Rd and want to go back and have a proper look at some point.

If only I knew about your blog when I lived in London... I probably woudln´t have returned back home :o)

Pertinent to my comment above, an interview in this week's East End Life, with the historian cum librarian of said library, who has been there for decades and is retiring in a few years. In fact it was he who showed me those photos when I did a short placement there not long after finishing Uni.

In the light of your post DG, it's almost sad to read of the reams of local history material that needs classifying - perhaps the library could get local students to do a couple of hours weekly volunteering there, as part of, I don't know, their Information and Technology school subjects to help with the backlog... And it will be interesting to see whether another librarian/ historian with a passion for the East End can be found to replace Chris.

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