please empty your brain below

Thanks for yet one more alphabet letter museum. All very enticing... especially the royal stables and the antique Bentleys.

I can't wait for "X"

There's the Red Cross museum, but that's more of a plus sign than a X.

Hey, I found one! The only trouble is, its in Liverpool. Does DG's remit extend that far?

Otherwise there's only the Malcolm X Musuem in Noo York.

Apparently, according to Wikipedia, 65 large Fabergé eggs were made. Of these, the Queen owns three, and another eight are lost. The largest collections of Fabergé eggs are in Moscow.

As for museum recommendations, I made a recommendation for W soon after he started his alphabet museums project - the Whitewebbs Museum of Transport near Enfield. I'm still going to keep that recommendation.

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