please empty your brain below

Aaaah, Vision On. Wow! Thanks for that. We are, as I write, listening to The Gallery music and reminiscing.

I remember Vision On being on a Sunday for some reason.
The music was probably for the non-deaf viewers and those whose hearing was only partially impaired rather than totally non-existent.

and wasnt that little creature made from writing Vision On backwards next to itself called a grog? and there was that fluffy worm that use to charge around the studio being pursued by Sylvester McCoy

Vision On was even shown here in the states; I watched it when I was little, but I don't remember much besides the insect title logo.

I guess, because Vision On had barely any spoken language, the BBC sold it to TV stations around the world. Teletubbies repeated this feat decades later for much the same reasons, although it helped to be blind rather than deaf to watch that.

People who had problems with Teletubbies were generally already grown up. These people were not the target demographic

Mmmm I believe I still may have a few copies of Krazy around -unfortunately mouldering away in my cold damp garage. It was the best kids comic ever. thanks for the leo baxendale link there -I am a fan of his

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