please empty your brain below

Like brown ale (profesional northerner me!), cant stand latte; own several belts and think spag hoops are yummy ... I am SOOO 20th century

I suspect that including the takeaway latte in the UK's "shopping basket" of economic indicators can only serve to increase inflation. Never has so much been charged to so many for so little.

I like a latte, occasionally (once a quarter usually). I agree, they now seem to cost as much as the GDP of a small European Country and Tea's the one for me really.
Oooh I remember the hamster. I quite liked that advert and I recall the man vomiting up a dog but can't remember what it was for so it's probably just as well it's been pulled 'cause it wern't working.

What's a "takeaway latte"?

about £2.50

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