please empty your brain below

hmm - I feel a heated debate coming on...

im category 8 9 and 10 - and im missing from your 'list'.
tut tut.

Er, I only visited twenty random sites.
I didn't choose any of them deliberately, honest.

I think that most of us Category 10s fall into some of your other categories some of the time. Don't we?

I suspect that you do to. Only I wouldn't dare say so, now would I?

But not today.
Excellent categorising Mr G.

Top listing, DG

I know that 10 is a nice round (well round with a straight thing to one side) number, but think you missed a category ... Blogging mums. I keep finding them when I go searching randomly!!! think they are deffo a sub group on their own. Thank god mine cant switch on a video recorder let alone use a keyboard!! oh god imagine if you were random searching and found your mum's blog. *brick swigs drink and breathes deeply*

In the interests of filial piety (and guilt cos I havent rung mine this week) Im gonna start collecting Mummies that Blog

I don't go on about the war, for your reason 1, but I do post about other things than technology (like Shannon's music today).

I do have a blog that would qualify under 7:

I think you need a new category for my other recent blog,

And started out as a 7 and has gradually morphed into a category all its own.

Oh, and yours looks like a 3 to me.

oooops make that TWELVE categories .... multiple bloggers!

I should have guessed that compiling the examples for this classification by only clicking on twenty random blogs would cause problems.

Sorry Kevin, I did notice that your epeus blog wasn't 100\\% computer-oriented (maybe only 90\\%) but it was by far the most techy of the twenty random blogs I clicked on so it went in category 2. I missed your other three blogs, perhaps not surprisingly given my sample size.

I can sense two impending morals to be learnt here, the first being don't try to shoehorn other people into narrow categories when life is far more complex than that and the second being remember that many bloggers, especially those in category 2, have stats tracking on their pages so they're very likely going to discover that they've been linked to, visit my page, disagree with being shoehorned and then post a rebuttal in my comments boxes.

Still, if you want to stick me in category 3, that's your prerogative. Probably means you won't come back to read this reply, I guess...

Excuse me Brick I'm a blogging mum! And I'm in cat. 10! (I'm probably in all the other categories as well...but that's not the point!)

Could you do a categorising thingy on commentators please DG?

I'll start you off:

1. One time visitors who say things they'd never say to you in real life (the danger of all e-communication).

2. Weirdoes.

3. Genuinely amusing.

4. Genuinely annoying.

5. Genuinely thought-provoking.

No, scrap all that, yours will be much better, I'm sure.

I'd love to, but I don't blog from work

Oh dear, the end to that is obviously nigh

This is good - DG goes controversial - more please... )

This is good too

DG goes editing too drD methinks (how long before this one disappears?

I'm a 3! *Wail* I'm gonna ring Shaz!

shaz n I are just off for pizza - ill get her 2 txt u

Ooo! *click in and out of comments window* I'm also *click in and out of comments window* a *click in and out of comments window* 4.

Shuffles papers and announces to office that it's time for lunch.

I wonder if there's an extra category - link blogs? I tried to put my last 25 posts into one of the 10 buckets, and found that 5 were just random links with little or no comment - just put there for my (or other people's) future consumption.

Otherwise you've got me pretty much bang to rights...

Surely missing another key category - pet bloggers - as in people who blog about their pets, dogs, cats, bunnies, whatever. along with the blogging mums, the pet bloggers seem to be everywhere!

I wouldn't get too het up about a few misery guts complaining about this post. I think it's pretty insightful. But then, you didn't accuse my weblog of being a 3. Yet. :o)

Bzzt- sorry that is wrong.

You mischaracterized blog [#7], it is not evangelical but theological, and I don't give a whit whether anyone agrees with my positions. I am not, as you wrote, "keen to convince you to share [my] particular interest."

Lets have a heated debate!

Ding! I think you're right, actually. No-one actually tries to convince people of their beliefs using a weblog. For a start, they wouldn't be very successful because it doesn't really suit persuasive argument - the conversation is (mainly) one-way traffic.

But that doesn't mean they'd not be overjoyously happy if you did 'convert', whether its religious or not (cf. my Man Utd posts, which has probably alienated half the people who read this).

Perhaps 'convince' and 'evangelising' are too strong (I dunno, maybe you were being deliberately miffy?), and there are more non-religious preachers out there than religious, so perhaps your example was a bit atypical, but the type of blog is still valid.

I'll get off my high horse then.

p.s. I'm not normally like this, Elaine will tell you. Sorry, but she started me off...

Let me just repeat...

First I listed the ten categories, then I looked at twenty random blogs to see if I could find one of each.

Sorry David, but in the twenty blogs I looked at, yours was the closest to #7. Not spot on admittedly, but definitely the closest.

I'm quite happy to agree that there's an ocean of difference between "evangelical" and "theological". However, all my comments about Category #7 were written before I found your blog, not adapted to fit what I saw afterwards.

I'm sure Mrs Merton never used to heat her debates like this.

i seem to recall she just used to take the p**s out of people...
didn't she used to be Sister Mary Immaculate?

I have *absolutely* no comment here.

Other than, heat water and bathe in the consequences

Found this through the Google "Who Links to Me?" search.

Interesting list. Frankly, I'm surprised anyone found mine... (G) Blog on!

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