please empty your brain below

Well, DG, at least these pesky marketeers get a reply ...
Fun read after a not so fun week. I think my first resolution for 2020 will be to use 'Dear media friends' as often as possible.
I've now overdosed on rubbish writing, hideous syntax and pathetic buzzwords. I now need another hour in bed.
Dear media friends, I suspect more people are likely to confuse *a* bridge in London with London Bridge than to confuse *a* street in Oxford with Oxford Street. But perhaps I am wrong about that.
Perhaps the decline in the rubbish you get is because its dawned on most scammers/marketing people that they can just generate the nonsense themselves, following in the footsteps of politicians, anti-vax nutters, IS, conspiracy theorists, 'investment' strategists and so on.
But if it dries up completely, there will be no more posts like this!
Like Sarah, I always enjoy these. I am disappointed that I cannot trace the Santander bike renaming debate online.
A splendid crop. Particularly the last one!!
I've always considered our comments as similar to pencil marks in someone else's diary. Why there should any marketing in the blog is beyond me. However, it is still evident there are lots of people who think their agendas are more important. I'm happy for you to carry on just as you always have.
Disturbingly passive-aggressive, the tone of no. 8 [Carly, erroneous map].
I do hope you continue to get these types of requests.
This is always one of my favourite of your regular posts!
Love the last one. Thanks!
DG is probably being listed in programs like NinjaOutreach and other automated marketeer tools. It's highly unlikely any of these folks have even read the blog. But you guessed that anyway.

Wonder if you can opt out of being included.
I was stopped on the Strand by an American couple who wanted directions to Oxford. I told them how to get to Paddington and remarked on the length of the journey. When she asked wasn't it where all the big stores are, the penny dropped.

Then there was the party who wanted directions to Liverpool...

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