please empty your brain below

There's a lad at work, a real fitness fanatic and marathon runner, who has a GPS gizmo stuck to his running boots. It tells him exactly where he is, how fast he is running and how long it took him to run hs course. amazing that people have survived so long by just using an A-Z and a watch

Ain't nothing wrong with a toasted sandwich maker that moos. Am offended.


The forces of capitalism breathe a hearty sigh of relief. Another one snared. He actually wants things he doesn't need.

Now, off to force up house prices again.

Happy to be Blue Witch and assisting in managing to motivate DG into wanting to do shopping for almost the first time in his history

Do you *really* think I didn't think of the GPS until right at the end?

And how do you make someone choose something? You give them really awful choices that you *know* they'd hate, then they make a "choice".

And, we could have had a Bloggers group outing to watch the choice of home furnishings in IKEA at West Thurrock, couldn't we...

(Amazing how you can build explantions to fit any facts, isn't it

Was going to say something about what *some* people really visit IKEA for but this is a family blog (isn't it?)

Tuesday afternoon at Thurrock is when most of that happens, if my observations are correct. [Half DGs readers now take Tuesday afternoon off to check out if BW is correct...]

Thurrock? Isn't that a nasty disease?

I used to be a nanny in Lahndahn town, and can vouch that there are nearly always large numbers of Swedish Au Pairs to be found in the restaurant at Ikea, happily eating meat balls.

Ikea? Pick-up area?

Yes IKEA has a pick up area.

On a Tuesday afternoon, like I said.

That sandwich toaster sounds interesting in a so-bad-it's-good way.

one way of testing Ikea beds

what? with a sandwich toaster?

I work with a Swedish girl who goes to Ikea when she's feeling homesick!

I didn't know that MrBW works with a Swedish girl. Hmmmm....

If you buy enough of those light up bricks you can build a shed--that lights up.

And if you serve Swedish meatballs in your shed made of bricks that light up, you'll have hordes of Swedish au pairs descending on Tuesday afternoons.

They could use the iron!
So DG needs that gadget after all.

Actually I think he'd quite enjoy having hoardes of Swedish au pairs round at DG mansions.

They could even bring the *other* Tuesday afternooners from Thurrock.

Maybe I have been snared by the forces of capitalism, but I suspect only in the gadget arena.

I still have absolutely no desire to go Swedish - meatballs, au pairs, assemble-it-yourself furniture or otherwise.

[jots down reminder to self to write a post about the nightmare that is IKEA at some point in the near future, probably on a Tuesday]

oh god, if id seen this earlier i would have recommended it: products/inspirational\\_sport\\_statues.html

But it's not electrical, is it?
Or do they have versions that vibrate?

Wait for this spooky co-incidence....

My calendar page this morning says,

"On Tuesday, I felt random feelings of love for everyone."

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