please empty your brain below

You are the anti-shopper and retailers fear you.

I suspect it hasn't changed a thing and I don't think we'd have you any other way.

Someone is very pleased that the lights won They were clearly the least bad option of the 5, and got my vote. Note, my *one* vote, although I think I know (but not in a biblical sense, just in case you are wondering) someone who voted more than once

Now buy the PDA and GPS with the refund on your season ticket.

Everywhere I've been in comments boxes today either Rob or Douglas is there at the same time. I am very worried.

Yippee! The flashing lights thingy won! It's no lava lamp, but it'll do. I think. (I still have no idea exactly what it is.)

Aye, tiz a sad day for that poor little homeless voice-controlled remote control, denied it's only purpose and true calling in life, that being to mizunderstand requests for 'Challenge TV' and whisk you straight off to the 'Biography channel' to watch a 1 hour special on Tony Bennett.

I would take it in myself, but my best friend Sky would be devestated to know I was seeing another remote.

I'm hoping photos of this historic retail moment will be taken. This whole saga has serious potential to become a powerpoint show of gormanesque proportions

and I think Dale Winton should be involved somewhere ... possibly as a Tesco shelf packer :o)

the voice programmer only lost by one!!!??? why did i go and vote for the cooler???

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