please empty your brain below

If you think that's bad, just wait until you see this (click here...).
Liked and Shared babe
Well it would never have happened if we never became part of/chose to remain in/after we leave etc etc.
The most infuriating thing is that it could all be stopped if we just banned ........
U OK Hun?
Ah, so that's the secret of DG's carefree life - you are now writing speeches for politicians.
I was horrified and disgusted to read this. I go to dg for news about bus stops,obscure parts of London and Crossrail. Please cancel my subscription.
I completely agree with this, and anyone that doesn't should immediately go elsewhere for their blog entertainment. Leave now fools!
I disapprove of what this person says, but I will defend to the death their right to say it. Or not.
No, DG, you're wrong. I am now going to write 700 ranty and poorly spelt words to explain to you in detail why you are wrong. In the course of this, I will cite at least three facts from reliable sources like some website which I found on Google the other week and must be accurate because the stuff on it provides anecdotal evidence of my overwhelming rightness.

At the end of my diatribe, you will of course change your mind (because I never do, so you really should, that's how we achieve consensus these days) and the sum of human happiness will thus have increased by the tiniest of iotas. I will consider the half hour spent writing this eloquent rebuke to be time well spent.

Because, let's face it, I don't have anything else going for my mundane, meaningless life...
Jeez DG, it’s only a TV show. I think you need to show more empathy to the casting director. Nearly every actor and singer has *some* experience of dancing.
Is this what our ancestors fought and died for? Is it?
The Oxford comma /is/ the world.
I'm not ..., but ...
Sorry, darling, I can't come to bed just yet. Someone is wrong on the internet.
Posts a gif
...... and I'm writing this in Green ink.......
As every right-thinking person knows this is absolutely true...
We didn't have any of this nonsense when I was younger!!!!
1 like = 1 prayer
1 share = 1 respect
I'm confused. Confused and angry. Confused, angry and bewildered. Having said that may i add my voice to whatever it was you were on about because i feel you were representing me and people like me. Possibly.
Won't somebody think of the children.
Sounds like centrist propaganda but OK...
"never let it be said I kept my powder dry."

But if your powder is moist, then everything you say will be but a damp squid.

I am right, therefore you must be wrong.

Unless you agree with me, that is.
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Isn't this what we fought the war to prevent?
Amen bro, sending (((((((hugsandlove))))))))

(Are you sure you're not on Facebook?!)
I tried to look on the Guardian but didn't find anything relative. Any helping hand?
And then there's the kids on the bus. And have you SEEN the state of the bins round here?

Hell in a handcart, I tell you.
never had you down as a millennial snowflake DG.... hashtag safespace
This wouldn't have happened in my day.
Of course, our thoughts and prayers go out at this time to all those who suffering as a result of it
Fake news...
Time for a nice cup of tea and a biscuit, I think

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