please empty your brain below

If relevant, please start your comment with a number from 1 to 31.

(questions will not be answered)
27: My main memory from June 2002 is that during the Golden Jubilee celebrations in the UK I was walking in France with a group of friends, culminating in reaching the summit of Mont Ventoux.
7. I’d forgotten about the ritual of sending postcards to the office and how it involved buying a postcard on day three of your holiday, forgetting to visit the post office to buy a stamp on day four, and getting there just before closing time on day five.

“Beautiful so far, slight delay on the flight out, very friendly, great food (so cheap!)Got an excursion booked on Monday, weather hot (in the low 80s). Wish you were here!”
13: I just knew that you'd be a Garfunkels man.
7. Indeed. The only way postcards get back to the office before you, is if you write them as soon as you arrive, before you've done or seen anything!
15. Those were the days. When we could use a phone help line as a first resort, without needing to report how long we had to listen to plunky waiting music.
As someone who has enjoyed making use of the resources of Mass Observation I have to say that you are doing a real public service in documenting your life so minutely. I am rubbish at this. All I could tell you about May 2002 is that I had three kids aged 1, 3 and 5, was temporarily living in Beckton, and was perpetually sleep deprived.
30. A fact finding mission to Hull...that's why I have always hated work and the things you have to do
I would have loved to have been sent on a fact-finding mission to Hull - clearly I was in the wrong job all those years! No matter, I enjoyed plenty of visits at my own expense, gleaning as many facts as I could muster along the way. And a fish and chip meal at Bob Carvers is worth any number of doughnuts with orange juice, believe me.
18. I once had a cassette stuck in the in-car player of my MG Metro. Consequently the options for several months were silence, or the same side on endless repeat. I am still word perfect (dialogue and lyrics) for the first half of The Rocky Horror Show, and wonder if/how the purchaser that I didn't mention it to solved the problem.
16 - Phantom Menace gets all the hate, but I reckon Clones is actually the worst of the lot. Mainly due to Hayden Christensen. Not that any of the actors came out smelling of roses due to the horrible direction (it takes someone special to make McGregor, Jackson, and Portman all look wooden), but he really stood out.
18th. Dog food?
26 "it'd've". Now that starts a train of thought...
24 - 2002 launch of Big Brother 3, 2022 that's me on Google Streetview.
16/ Chz: Some of the later Star Wars "tie in" universe films are considered even worse (have not watched them all yet). I had really wanted to like Solo (aka Redcup) because the other half was involved as a (supposedly featured) extra, but we both agreed it was just OK rather than fantastic when we watched in the cinema (a rare outing in these days of DVD/streaming and a bias to delayed gratification)

(Other half's footage was almost 100% cut by Ron Howard-1s distance backlit remained; but she got a consolation prize of a tie in US TV commercial; her special prop is pictured in the sticker book but not her; was also digitally bodyscanned for potential merch too but obviously that wasn't followed up)
I love these periodic throwbacks.

As with the earlier commenter, with 5 children between the ages of 1-8 and a partner working away from home all week, all I remember from that time is endless school runs, housework and general exhaustion!
30) I remember Hull as one of the better places I had to go to on business, but I was mainly involved in regeneration of very unattractive places where most of the population were unemployed because of major employers leaving.
The planners at Hull were pleased to see me because as they said, Hull wasn't (at the time) on the way to anywhere so it was rarely considered for redevelopment.
But that was in the late 70s, probably long before dg's visit. A lot has happened since then, including an important bridge.
22: How long did that BestMate engage in long distance relationship?
I hope we'll see another one of these for August 2002, the last full month before the blog started.
10. I was in my first week working on a station for London Underground and had to give directions to numerous people who lived in Potters Bar and had absolutely no idea how to get home.
16. You and I saw the movie on the same day, albeit my viewing was at the Odeon in Canterbury. I then headed up to the London Arena to see a German industrial metal band play live.
3. Funny to think that films were still shown by the reel then and projectionists had to splice the reels together manually. I often noticed the transition. It was only about around the early 2010's that it went digital.

27. The main thing I remember about the Gold Jubilee was Concorde with the Red Arrows in the flypast, perhaps because it couldn't happen now.

21. My appointments diary shows clients who have moved on in premises that I'm still involved with. I seems I must give a reliable service, and one that's still not replaced by customers doing all the clacketty-clack themselves.
11. Times have changed in Brighton, where prices justify its name of London-on-Sea now.

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