please empty your brain below

There really is nothing to worry about. The laws the politicians want will be passed regardless or who gets in. Nothing to do with us.

Your right abot the British electorate in general. Most don't even understand the concept of local, national and European elections being totally different. Perhaps the only way to get them engaged is to run "Britains Got MPs", a new reality show where they vote off the politicians they hate and keep on their favourites and we elect the entire House of Commons over a 2 year period with a nightly contest for each seat. Certainly there would be more people voting than there are at the moment in political elections.

Well if you worry too much ... just wait and see who we (it) are going to send there and then ...... sigh

"...democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time. " WSC

Nope, I'd say you've got it about right and worrying is logical.


Re. Kennamatic's comment, I believe the problem is a lack of education regarding the election process, not that the electorate is ignorant per se. Also, I haven't heard a thing from my local candidates let alone anything from my prospective MEP candidates, which leads to voter apathy. If they can't be bothered to let me know who they are & what they stand for, I may not bother to vote at all rather than put a cross in a box for an unknown quantity.

Debster - that sort of attitude means the BNP get elected. It's everything to do with you and everyone else who can't be bothered to vote.

And unusually for the UK, the Euro election has a PR element so for a change, your vote does cout.

Totally agree with Michael. Received two leaflets through the door for the EU elections, then turn up to vote and there are nigh on 20 different choices. How do they expect me to vote for them if a) they don't tell me that they exist (and the EU elections seem to bring many different parties out of the woodwork) and b) they don't tell me what they stand for.

No wonder that the majority don't vote if you have to spend ages online looking up who is standing. The link to 'list of candidates' on the europarl website is broken at the moment so that's a good start!

Yes I worry a lot about these things - especially when I have pointed out to my representatives things they should never have allowed to be put on the statute books and why and all they do is say , "ohhhh.." turn their back and run.

Exactly the reason why I'll be voting for anyone but the BNP today

Which really means that politics needs to get back to grass roots. There are still thousands of people who tramp the streets and make the case for their party on door steps, and plenty of candidates who make themselves available to meet people and answer questions.

I will be mucking in for the party I support this afternoon and look forward to discussing these issues with real people as a change from watching journalists spout their views.

And then you have a comment like Rob's...

and of course Michael's...

Don't worry DG - the politicians don't know what they're doing either!

Michael - Yes I agree, except at a very basic level surely it must be relatively obvious to anyone that European elections are to do with our position/role in European matters, National elections deal with the National government and local elections are to do with what happens locally. But that won't be what happens today.

DG, you're scared of democracy! Britain's been quite good at not going to the extremes so we must be doing something right.
If it goes wrong this time then you really have to blame Brown, he's not a leader. Governments lose elections.

Johnny - I always vote but it never changes anything.

Well, I've duly done my duty too DG and, like you, am worried.

Not quite as worried I'll be this time next year though...

"And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?" (WB Yeats)

God help us.


I was there before it opened this morning. I was invited to watch them seal the ballot box. It was empty, and then it was sealed and empty.

I think Debster was using humour!

When I went to vote the BNP was on the top of the long list. Alphabetical order and opportunity knocks for the lazy perhaps.

The only good thing is Idiot Boris got a soaking today-there is "justice" afterall.

I got in and voted earlier. Good to hear you did as well, DG. Let's now hope the BNP don't make any leeway.

I hope you charged the bus fare to the polling station on expenses

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