please empty your brain below

Will be interesting, if you continue taking pictures after the games, to see how quickly the stadium will have the top sections dismantled and removed.

I was out looking at it today, and the thing that struck me was how small the stadium looks. For some reason, I was expecting it to be bigger.

The new perimeter mesh fencing that is replacing the blue hoardings is also going up at a fast rate, this is giving a much better view to members of the public who have been up on the Geenway to have a look at the site, I was also talking to the man who owns the "Old Ford Lock House" which was used as the Big Breakfast Studios for several years and he was telling me that he will have to move off site not just for the duration of the games but for a whole year.

it will be excellent for the economy it looks on schedule to me

Hi DG,

your photos reminded me that when I picked up a Walk North East London booklet recently, I spotted a couple of your photos of Rammey Marsh and Beckton Alps included. Which I think is quite cool, assuming that you were asked of course, so just wanted to say, nice one.

Blimey, so they did! And no, they didn't ask. But at least the photos are credited to me with a big © symbol next to them.

Impressive developments in one year.

I have read the Olympic sailing venue has been completed ahead of schedule.

Though I believe the Pleistocene Period was responsible for the playing surface.


Ah well, at least now you know... And it's nice to know that your photos are contributing to the exploration of lesser known parts of London as your blog does so well.

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