please empty your brain below

The map on the page on the inner London ramblers website about walking the green chain still describes it as proposed.
The yellow flowers are eranthis hyemalis, aka winter aconites.
I'd missed the story that the Green Link Walk is about to be launched, it'll be interesting to see its final route.
Do you know how long the capital ring section 10 takes? Also is it a good walk to do?

dg writes: yes
I'm especially interested in the re-development of Kidbrooke. Those Eltham council houses look post-war rather than 1930s though.

dg writes: 1931-36
I miss the guided walks TFL used to sponsor/run every four months. I got to see a lot of interesting parts of London's outskirts and the shorter city-centre walks were also good. I think it was only a three year scheme, which is a shame.

dg writes: 2007-2017
oooh, you missed the donkeys!
If, at your starting point, you'd turned left down the lane below Eltham Palace, past the fields where horses graze, you'll find donkeys. At least one of them is a former Blackheath riding donkey. The others, I suppose, are relatives.

dg writes: they're on section 7, not section 12
I have walked all of this new section, though as part of other walks, not as describe.

My advice isthat i would be a more peaceful walk is after Cator Park anf Kidbrooke Village to head east across Kidbrook Park Road, then cross the western section of Cator Park and via footpaths cut through to Brooklands Ave and Morden Road to re join green chain at The Paragon.

This cuts about half a mile from the walk, but I also recommend a subsequent diversion crossing Blackheath to The Point for glorious views over London, he back to reenwich Park to finish.

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