please empty your brain below

I go from HI1 to HI10 a LOT. But average about HI7. Does that make me bipolar?

I cycle from HI5 through to HI5 and back again Always been like that and hated it until I accepted it an learnt to use it to my advantage. Low phases now tell me I need to change something in my life (or attitude to it), high phases happen when I have implemented change and it worked. Until something else happens (changing jobs, breaking up, death/illness, credit crunch...) and I start again. Not ideal, but it works for me.

You are lucky to be that way.

Self assessments are always very suspect. I'd refer to your state of being as 'contentment'. i.e. you can do pretty much what you want to do without too much opposition.

At least H10
I'm a happybunny, at 63yrs old my life has been great on the whole. At my age there is a lot less of the leaping about. I have my health and a very good pension, the house is paid for. Two children in good relationships, plus one very cute grandchild.

I expect nobody would have survived blogging as long as you have without the ability to shrug off most of life's idiocies and get on with the next topic.

I think my happiness pretty much mirrors yours. I'm not often angry or sad, and only have a few minor worries (I really must top up my Oyster card, but I can't be bothered, for example). Therefore, like you, I spend most of my time at a Happiness Index of 8, occassionally veering towards 9 at Christmas and holidays, or when Arsenal lose to Stoke in the same weekend that Spurs win against Liverpool. However, also like you, I sometimes (not often though) have my HI 2 or 3 moments.

I'm just wondering, what must I do to get to HI 10? Win the Lottery, probably .

I am also like yourself, about an 8 most of the time. I am supposed to be retired, but work to get extra money to have life's luxuries, like foreign holidays. No-one is totally secure any more so I don't worry too much about the future. Amazed that I am still alive and well at 63, and able to get up out of bed, walk to work, have a bit of a laugh, and cuddle up on the sofa with the old fella in the evenings. When I see my children & grandchildren it goes up to 9 for a while, as I don't get to see them very often. No point in being gloomy, reading blogs cheers me up too!

Dammit. I really am exactly like you. This is odd.

I'm like you too.

I hit 11 at the Emirates when we pulled 2 goals back in the last 5 minutes

Some of you leap off the sofa when Arsenal merely draw

I'd class myself as HI=8 as well.

Is it only HI8's who have bothered to leave a comment or are such a high percentage of your readers also HI8s ?

I think a poll might be in order.

Things could get messy, indexometerwise, when someone gets excited enough to achieve HI11.

Upon checking the links from the Happiness Index page, I find that the Item Bank of the World Database of Happiness is 'no longer available'. Contentment Crunch?

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