please empty your brain below

Funny, sad, worrying and apposite. Thanks DG.
Still, at least you're being optimistic about it all.
Donald Trump will hold a special edition of 'The Apprentice', the task will be to round up all the Breiteers, they will then chant 'We have taken back control', whilst Donald tells them how high to jump, the winner gets a trade deal.
The Procrastination Society of Sutton will be having a rally . . . eventually.
I would like to join in on all these protests,but in virtual reality only. (My legs,you know!)
So I think I'll protest about February and its dreary greyness from indoors, instead. 😉
the "February May March" is brilliantly titled and very tempting ... however I think "Stop Reacting, It Only Encourages Them - A silent stay-at-home protest" is probably more my style
Get over yourself!
Does anyone fancy coming on a protest protesting about protests?
I'm going to be the fun police here and say that I think that protests are and have been important in terms of stating the will of (some of the) people and often changing oppressive government policy. If people have the will and energy to hit the streets then good for them. Protest and the right to free speech and association are important to any democracy. Or should we stay home and whine whilst reading the latest editions of the Graun / fail?
Has anyone read the Henry Root letters.

Dear Sir

I protest

Your sincerely
Looks like I'm going to have a busy month!

Seeing how touchy the Orange One is about the size of his crowds, perhaps the "Stop Reacting, It Only Encourages Them" (Stay Home) protest should be combined with the "American State Visit", then only the Mall street cleaners and shit shovellers need turn their backs!

That would be a photo I would pay a large sum to own!!
"As the world descends into self-inflicted decline"...i suppose all the while house values don't crash it'll be fine
Reminds me of Marlon Brando's response The Wild Ones. "What are you rebelling against?" "Whaddaya got?"
Regarding the February May March, I wonder if anyone here has heard of the March March March...

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