please empty your brain below

No answers, thanks.
(but do tell us how you got on)
Done, 3 minutes
Yes. Thanks for the distraction
Done, a nice little diversion. Now to explain how to do these kind of puzzles to my kids.
Done. More than 3 minutes.
I enjoyed doing this, a nice distraction from the current situation. Thank you for it. Took me about 10 mins.
Yes, that was fun.
Took me longer than it should have!
Eight simultaneous equations with four unknowns. Pretty.
If it is not too much of a hint: <snip>
Nice puzzle, thank you. Had to recreate it in a spreadsheet to work out, took about 5 mins.
While solving it I was aware that the number of simultaneous equations is over-generous, so thought there must be a more elegant method than the plodding one I used.
I get that feeling often when doing sudoku.
Glad it wasn't just me who worked it out using simultaneous equations!

Needed that bit of mental gymnastics to wake my brain up. Today has been rather boring thus far.
I also solved it with simultaneous equations.
Some sets of four differ by only one colour, and one <snip>. QED
I have no idea about simultaneous equations, so lacked the 3-minute ability, but being a visual person I rearranged the squares in a spreadsheet looking for more obvious patterns - probably much as Jeremy.

Nice puzzle thanks - could be the makings of a moquette too.

Took me about five mins in my head.
I wasn’t able to do it in my head but found it quick enough once I wrote down my observations.

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