please empty your brain below

But the biggest issue with Stratford bus station - that southbound buses don't stop there (!) isn't going to go away until they do away with the horrible gyratory system. Any plans on that?

There are 'medium term' plans for this. See the Stratford Masterplan:

Thank goodness I read your blog, otherwise I wouldn't have had a clue about this until the unfortunate day my night bus terminates in the middle of nowhere!

Every Bus Station has it's day:

the bus station opens early on Saturday 10th for a special three days of serving absolutely nothing

A touch over-cynical perhaps. Apart from the difficulty of implementing a change on a Tuesday (rosters etc.), it is good to let the new arrangements have a short bedding-in period before facing the hordes of travelling public. We would have been the first to criticise if they introduced the new arrangements without trying them out first. Remember T5 ?

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