please empty your brain below

How on earth did you think of that! Happy new year, DG!
Happy New Year, DG. I can't believe that James has beaten me to the same question. How many years ago did you discover this, and then file it patiently away - amazing!
What a wonderful start to the New Year! I was pleased to have noticed that YY=CC+1 in CCYY for (probably!) the only time in my life.
Happy New Year.

Funny how our artificial construct of time can generate optimism simply by replacing one set of numbers with another set of numbers.

According to the life expectancy calculator, your chances of reaching 2047 are better than 50%, as to 2059, that drops to about 25%, however your odds are way better than those of the spider.

As to the year being the product of two consecutive prime numbers, there's probably some Numerology doom theory out there, and if there isn't, I'll make one up.
Thank you for decades of enlightenment and amusement. May there be many more!
Gosh.... Happy New Year
Happy New Year DG.
HNY to all your commenters, and readers.
Wow..... just Wow DG :-) X
Happy New Year,DG!
and a Happy New Year to you too DG
DG is more accurate than Stephen Fry.
1961 is especially interesting - as was pointed out at the time - because it was the last year to read the same upside down as the right way up. Roll on 6009 and 8008.
Peter - my parents gave me a watch for my birthday inscribed with that year on the back
I love this blog.
Happy New Year everyone.

2021 also equals 2 to the power of 10, minus 3 to the power of 3.

That's nothing to do with prime numbers, but I stumbled across it yesterday while thinking about R numbers (Reproductive numbers) in relation to the current pandemic.
I have (somehow) only just seen this, having missed it at the start of the year. Fascinating as always.
Jonathan: not quite - 2 to the power of 10 is 1024. So 2021 is 2^11 - 3^3

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