please empty your brain below

There's also the Palestinian General Delegation, which is tucked down an alley off King Street in Hammersmith, W6. Maybe one day it too will enjoy full embassy status.
12:30-14:00 - closed for lunch, I'm liking Cambodia already.
We were walking the London Spiral walk a few weeks back when we noticed the Cambodian Embassy. Is this by any chance what you were doing?
I've always liked the fact that when Czechoslovakia split up, Czech Republic and Slovakia divided the embassy building and grounds in two
I think Ghana in Highgate (N6) May be a lone embassy too.

dg writes: 13 Belgrave Square, Belgravia.

I always thought there were more in Brent but having a mental block...
The Somaliland Mission to the UK is on Whitechapel Road. Another one that may one day be a full embassy.
Oh so Ghana has two embassies (or high commissions as I see they are referred to). Didn’t realise that was a thing - guess it’s just relocating some functions to somewhere cheaper.

dg writes: High Commission - Belgravia.
Passports, Immigration, etc - Highgate.

P.s. Benin was the other one in Brent I was thinking of but I see it’s only a consulate.

dg writes: Embassy of the Republic of Benin
87 Avenue Victor Hugo 75116 Paris

Commonwealth nations don't have embassies in the UK, they have High Commissions - so the Australian Embassy is properly the Australian High Commission.
The site of the US embassy and surrounding area always used to be in SW8. I don't know why they reassigned it to SW11.
I doubt many photographers need to crop OUT the Queen's Birthday Flypast!
I remember a few years ago, stopping (whilst on foot) outside the Turkish Embassy in Belgravia Square to take a photograph of the street layout for work. By the time I lowered the camera, the diplomatic protection officer from the Embassy was standing in front of me politely asking why I was taking pictures and asking for ID. Impressed by both the speed of the response, and the man's politeness I nevertheless determined that henceforth I would avoid taking pictures in front of Embassies!
Some of SW8 was transferred to SW11, as the huge volume of new Battersea residents overloaded the SW8 delivery office (whereas SW11 was served by more spacious premises on Lavender Hill) - so SW8 lost what would have been its sole embassy. I like the way they got 'US' in the postcode!
David - thanks.
I think when talking about Embassies and Commonwealth High Commissions collectively it's perfectly fine to just call them Embassies. Because the alternative is tiresome and nit-picky.
>>Because the alternative is tiresome and nit-picky

Also known as "accurate"
Wasn't there some country's embassy out in East Sheen or somewhere that way?

dg writes: There isn't currently (nor any high commissions, consular offices or visa hubs).
Liechtenstein also have an Honorary Consulate in London. It opened this May.

dg writes: c/o Embassy of Switzerland
While not embassies there are also British Overseas Territories Offices some of whom's representatives have diplomatic status - one of which is in Salisbury!
Andrew S - there was what I believe was the Ambassador’s Residence for (I think) Ireland, complete with large harp symbol: but haven’t noticed it recently. I imagine today’s security requirements have rendered them more discreet.
I recently read that the Cambodian embassy was well out of town and away from other embassies. It might be useful for South East Asian embassies to be near each other. Cambodia is not a rich country, so perhaps that is a reason the embassy is away from The City.

The American Embassy moving from Mayfair to Vauxhall is not exactly social climbing.

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