please empty your brain below

You missed a trick with the windows vista one - surely that comment should be trademarked?

I prefer the art critic ones to Barriball's originals.

I know what this says about me.

Well done for hitting the target on this one DG. It annoys me profoundly when I read such wanky drivel as that which you atribute to the TfL art critic and top marks to you for ripping the piss out of it.

This is all the waste of time, space and money that is the Art on the Underground, or Platform for Art or whatever it is they are called these days...

As another example of the waste of time, space and money that, may I point you in the direction of the current version of the pocket tube map? The cover is adorned by three concentric circles of blue, white and red - according to the note inside, this piece of 'art' was comissioned by Art on the Underground from Turner prize winner Mark Wallinger. Yet underneath this is the text 'The RAF roundel is reproduced under licence from the MOD.'

Please can someone explain how copying - and not altering in any way - a corporate logo is art? And can someone from London Underground say how much this commissioning cost? Hmmmm...this could be a Freedom of Information request, methinks...

You must accept that you are nowhere near as clever as the art expert at TfL, and so these things must be explained to you.

I guess the consultant word smith appointed to do the reviews is paid by the word.

So the first set are a poster collection, and the second, a poser collection. Nice.

its all sailed straight over my head..

a few of these have been in camden town tube since last week. the one that gets me is "are you being watched" (or similar) which leads me to look up and count the cctv cameras that can see me, at least 5, and then sigh.

I am disappointed that the mean number of syllables in your uniqueâ„¢ tube-related artwork is 10.25 not 11.

Someone's been staring at their screen for too long - the words "Windows Vista" sprang out at me from the first one in the second set of phrases...

I do like the way TfL try and promote all things creative, whether its paintings, posters, poems or even maps. At the very least, it gives me something to ponder over during my long journeys on the Piccadilly Line.

I can tell you that what no one needs to see is the 'What a wonderful city' one when you've just endured a morning commute that took 50\\% longer than usual.

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