![]() please empty your brain below |
Expression of appreciation that you trekked all the way across town for the service of this blog
I thought you normally popped in for a cup of tea somewhere?
A step by step guide to writing like dg. Excellent. Will there be further lessons?
Typo alert: 'speling'
Appreciative words indicating relief that you undertook the journey '..so we don't have to..'
Weak attempt at humorous tangential comment to contrast with usual drone about bus routes / train types / previous habitation / how it was previously. Brief moment wondering whether comment will be categorised, greyed-out or accepted. [Publish] |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eligendi non quis exercitationem culpa nesciunt nihil aut nostrum explicabo reprehenderit optio amet ab temporibus asperiores quasi cupiditate. Voluptatum ducimus voluptates voluptas?
Comment on peripheral point which will result in long rambling trail of further comments which will appear in another colour.
Have you considered revisiting some of the places you have been but may have changed, like Bletchley Park? Maybe they just seem different to you than when you visited them before. Like it might be fun to see new photos as you journey again down some of your lost rivers. Perhaps you’ve learned a bit more since that first time.
pedantic comment pointing out either that local geography or history is incorrect. smug feeling when commentor (commentator?) outsmarts DG
Did you mention [local railway station]? *snort* Crossrail.. Chris Grayling.. etc. etc.
Meta comment to a meta post. Suspicion that the pack of cards series is getting a bit samey. And that you always get the same damn comments from the same damn readers.
But you've started so you'll finish. And we are who we are. That said, we could say "thank you" more often. Thanks, DG. Thadg. dg writes: Comment inserted, regretting the observation that regular commenter finds regular series of posts regularly unengaging. |
realise that you haven't mentioned kittens in today's post, decide it's too late to rewrite it, and resolve to try harder tomorrow.
Dear DG, We were so excited to read your generic post that we are sure you will also be interested in ou [generic] publicity get together. The superstar of [generic soap opera] and [generic] model will also be present. We would really like to see you there at [generic meeting place] and you will able to cover us in your blog. :-)
Generic trolling comment asking about something ridiculously specific that could be found by using Google for approximately 10 seconds.
In true DG style, the location will no doubt be revealed tomorrow but, among all the false links are two proper clues, the '1980's sitcom' and the 'mass poisoners'. Hmmm. If it had been '1970's sitcom' that it might have been 'The Good Life' (supposedly in Surbiton, actually shot in Northwood) but we'll have to assume DG knows his sitcom dates, so that means another sitcom set in the London area. No, can't think of one.
Poisoners? From DG's disparaging comments about the location and the distance he had to travel one might suppose that joyful Sutton was involved somehow but Sutton seems strangely short of mass poisoners and besides, DG's been to Sutton recently. It will have to remain a mystery. (until tomorrow?) |
The Streetmap link shows DG visited the North Sea approx. 40km east of Lowestoft. Probably a lost town (like Dunwich) once owned by the Corporation of London (hence being a London suburb), formerly the UK's most easterly point.......we will hear tomorrow whether went by boat or submarine.
obscure pedantry.
Extremely abbreviated comment intended to convey humorous observation but appears not to be so viewed by following commenters.
"Suspicion that the pack of cards series is getting a bit samey"
TBH, when you get around a lot, much of the UK is the same everywhere, and it's worse in London. Of course this can be approached from an optimistic or pessimistic viewpoint - you can get excited by the individual differences or you can just grumble about how the UK is actually rather boring. |
This reads like a Wikipedia article!
Enough about bus stop M.
@Andrew 08:10
Conventional response that if you don't like what DG writes you can have a full refund. |
Amazement expressed at the time involved in finding so many dead links and further comments on how the only time links are clicked on is to prove the point that no one clicks on them.
Additional comment about how we can't wait until tomorrow's conclusion of today's post. |
Have you just given away your formula?
Offensive or otherwise rule-breaking comment that merits the DG <snip>
Either the plan is to replace the human element of this blog with machine learning and see if anyone notices.
Or alternately you looked into the abyss and the abyss looked into you. Then again doesn't life largely consist of following the same processes over and over again, then dying. |
Fookin' Brilliant post DG. Thank you
Cxx |
Considering that you mentioned trains quite a number of times, you neglected to mention a quite trivial factule about the railways which I'm happy to highlight and then be counter-highlighted by someone else further down the comments section.
@shirokazan, thanks for pointing out the speling (sic) mistake, perhaps you'd like to join our busy team.
I hope DG isn't feeling like he's in a rut.
Has the DG article-writing bot malfunctioned today?
1980s sitcom = Terry June = Purley = chance for Chris to pipe up that he was brought up in Purley.
Routine comment pointing out that I grew up/ live/ work/ once had a pint somewhere near here and DG's description sums up the area perfectly/ missed out an important detail/ contained a minor but nonetheless annoying mistake and that the area was better in the good old days/ hasn't been the same since a pub closed down/ will be ruined by the luxury flats that are being built.
Brilliant post. Great to see dg not talking himself too seriously!!
I usually do look at (most of) the links. Particularly great ones today. Laugh out loud. |
+1 for Blue Witch's comment... The formula is no longer secret!
Love the links
Ray |
And later in the day comment mentioning the absence of cats in the post (probably copyright of the female commentor)
RayL 08.45 - Poisoners near Sutton? Try Croydon.
Brilliant meta post. |
Mid-evening revisit to comments, whilst alternately smirking and frowning.
Ill-judged additional comment referencing something mentioned in the earlier comments, but not recalled as featuring in the main post: *Birds Of A Feather - Chigwell* |
Frank, I see your Birds and I raise you Gnomes of Dulwich. (Yes, I know, wildly off-topic.)
Your blog, your rules, as always.
Re pack of cards, wondering if this was a joker... |
I once put on the other blog 'I've been there so you don't have to'.
Wow...43 comments. One of your more popular post methinks - time for another league table?
dg writes: Not even in the Top 100 |
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