please empty your brain below

I hope it resolves for your first rate blog and comments; The ghost of a steam train - echoes down my track.
Its at the moment bound for nowhere -
Just going round and round
Playground kids and creaking swings -
Lost laughter in the breeze
I could go on for hours and I probably will -
But Id sooner put some joy back.

"If it aint broke, dont fix it"
No need to change the comments or your blog layout.

I loved the days of DOS, every piece of software had its own interface, with its own character. After Windows 3.1 software all started looking the same. Now, everything on the web has to look like a social-site, and even market leaders like Facebook, are competing not to look distinctive!

Too true Steve... Bleugh

Ooo-er. You are very likely right to have reservations about an organisation which doesn't seem to do any spelling or grammar checks on its news releases before knocking them out

Speaking of reliable services which 'change', I've just received a letter from Virgin Mobile, advising me of some forthcoming improvements. (Don't get me wrong, I've been using Virgin for years and for the most part I haven't got many complaints.)

Anyway... the letter lists a number of proposed changes. I'd have to say there's only one which could actually be called 'an improvement'.

Hmmm. Pretty much like you were saying, "That's Progress"

Can you download all your comments from their database onto own you own and build a clone of halo?

When you have contacted the company on this matter, have you thought to ask if there is a grown-up there you can talk to? While you're doing that, perhaps the youngsters could spend some useful time brushing up on their grammar and use of English skills.

Hmmm. With acknowledgements to an earlier DG post (about Woolwich market IIRC), I think there might be a perfect word for describing things like these.


You should ask for your money back, DG.

The Internet is the place you go to when you want to bitch about things that you get FREE.

Any company that uses the nonce-word "functionality" loses my attention immediately.

Isn't it ironic that one of their people is called "Chris Saaaaaaad"?

there is no apostrophe in "improvements"

Dear lord, I have read that paragraph you quoted three times and I still don't understand a word of it.

Mr Loux sounds (and writes) like a young man operating a company out of his Mum's spare room.

Either way, I pray you don't lose any of the comments left/made over the years. *shudders*

I also use an old template, DG, so I'm with you 100\\%.

If I have to, I'll use the Blogger comments

Rats, nuts and knickers! I only swapped into Haloscan because of some fancy-dan "improvements" on Blogger. Why is it that every computer program starts to go downhill around v3.0?

We'll still be here DG, come what may...


"I am right: Therefore you are wrong."
Seem to have heard that before, somewhere. Did it start with the Inquisition?

Ugh. Hate unnecessary "improvements" like this. What's so bad about a simple text interface for comments? Did it ever occur to them that I don't NEED to embed YouTube video into my blog comments, and that some people think it's more important for the page to simply load smoothly even on computers without cutting-edge hardware, and that this new interface most certainly won't?

What benefits did/does Haloscan offer over native, raw Blogger comments ?

I presume if you ditch Haloscan and revert to Blogger, you'll lose all your comments to date. Not good.

PS. I share your healthy scepticism about JS-Kit/Echo although I must own up to using an outsourced comment service (Disqus) on my blog.

Andy - for several years after I started blogging, Blogger didn't offer a commenting service. So that wasn't an option.

And alas, because Haloscan's now a stagnated unsupported service, there's no longer an option to export this blog's 39000 comments.

"Changing, upgrading, 'improving'."

Three of the scariest words in the modern world!

The third is NOT usually the result of the first two either.

Can we write something to get them off and host them for the future? I think we probably can - drop me a line if you want me to look DG - I have some spare time this weekend. (I'm assuming you can see my e-mail address via Haloscan here)

I am still struggling to parse '39,000' comments but the JS-Kit upgrade info says:

'Synchronise - Gives sites the flexibility to add or remove JS-Kit Comments without risk of losing comment data'

Would it be possible to 'synchronise' into native Blogger comments then sever the link with JS-Kit ?

Argh. Been dreading this moment ever since you blogged about it (last year?). I, also, have 000s of comments and I've no idea if I can export them (or how).

Oh, and to the person who made the accusation of whinging about free stuff: many of us (dg, included, I believe) paid Haloscan for their "Pro" version, so we could access all its (limited) features, so our moans about the service we're receiving/have received aren't unjustified.

How about asking Haloscan for a data protection act search? All information they hold on computer related to yourself, i.e. the blog comments. Tell them that you would be happy to receive the comments on a CD rather than hard copy.

dg writes: Haloscan are now run by JS-Kit.
JS-Kit is an American company.

Oh shit. I am on Haloscan Pro too and do NOT want to lose my old comments - they make up part of the blog.

But what can I do? Close my eyes and hope it won't up-grade?

I don't expect any comments to be lost. The issue will be how many changes/compromises you're willing to make to your blog template so that those comments can still be displayed.

As far as I can tell Disqus requires a new Blogger template, rather than the old ones that DG and are happy with.

I have no intention of 'upgrading', as I'm stuck with a 2kbs per second speed (if I'm lucky!) on a dial up connection.

Ach, rats. I've also got an old Blogger template - which I believe I can't "upgrade", as I use Blogger to FTP to my own web space - so I suspect that when push comes to shove, I'll be right up shit creek. As it were.

Quite surprised at the number of people here using Blogger.

Four years ago I started on Blogger but have used tons of different platforms since.

So what will happen to my 18 months' worth of comments on this here blog if you're forced to upgrade eventually?

I like this commenting tool. It's simple and easy to use. I don't care about embedding tweets or Facebook updates in my comments. I just want text with a few links here and there. Couldn't they keep the old Haloscan interface, perhaps as a 'classic' mode, for blogs like yours which can't fit in the new Echo application?

Alas, you're being forced to upgrade to Web 2.0 for the benefit of JS-Kit, and not for the good of you or your readers.

They don't care about that.

However - I am working on it.

Aargh - it's catching Disqus have announced a V3 next week :-(

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