please empty your brain below

OK, for me - hours in front of the internet. Since lockdown one I've developed a bad, bad habit, and with Lent coming it's a good time to see *how* bad. First 15 mins was you!
In Germany Becks is just another one of the many beers available on each supermarket shelf. There's a lot of regional variation in what people drink, but Becks is available nationwide along with a few others.

I wonder why it gained so much prominence in the UK and why that has drained away again.
I would imagine hours spent in the sunshine would be easy enough to count on your fingers in February.

dg writes: Imagine again.
I've never heard of the "dinner at Garfunkels" stage - clearly where I've been going wrong all these years...!
I'm going to count how many miles I drive.

In February 2021, it was only about 100, and 40 of those were on one return journey!

In February 2020, it was about 800. That's my average monthly mileage, given I usually drive about 10,000 miles pa.

For comparison: in March 2020, I drove just under 400 miles and most of them were before 23rd (when the first lockdown started).
I will be joining in with the Mystery Count - and fully expect to smash dg's abyssmal record.
I tend not to count stuff, it's tedious enough keeping up with time records for work, and I'm hard pushed to think of anything else I want to count. It's a bit of a shame, because gathered data is usually very fascinating.

Having said that, I can think of a mildly interesting count, mainly because it doesn't require me to note anything extra and I can gather the data at the end of the month within a few minutes.
Re count 6. I saw today that Wetherspoons have extended their offer of bottles of Becks for 99p each until Monday 28th February. Cheers!
17.5 hours of BBC content consumed is impressive! I presume you don't enjoy silence, not even when walking the equally impressive +20k steps.
That's a pretty good nofap streak tbf dg

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