please empty your brain below

If relevant, please start your comment with a number from 1 to 28.

(questions will not be answered)
22. You can at least relive it with Huw Edwards.

26. We attempted a walk up to Wanstead on Sunday, but the quagmire near Eagle Pound had other ideas. We nearly lost two trainers to the mud.
15. Nice to know that should an error slip through, there are two of you I can silently roll my eyes at.

25. Oh no.. the productive part of my days just got significantly shorter. But thanks, really.
Monday 14th. Sad news about Jess the cat, but what a lovely tribute the owner wrote on their blog. Thanks for linking to it.
7. If there's a version of that image with a legible number plate, did you consider sharing with the police? I've had a similar experience on a footpath through a park, but underground that sounds pretty scary.
3 - now 20% in Russia.

4 - the whole thing was a complete non-event, the Olympics are no longer a must see as far as I'm concerned, I think that once you stop consuming MSM you undock from the narrative.

12 - you got chatted up.

24 - I don't think it's 'war in Europe', just a local dispute which no one would care about if it was happening on another continent - do you want to go nuclear over Ukraine.
14. Sad news about Jess.
27. I saw "Dangleway" in this article, smiled, and thought of you :D
7 - I thought the foot tunnel was no cycles. Getting one in the lift is hardly easy and just don't think about taking it down the spiral staircase.
27. Ha, just noticed that's the article you linked to in your post, so you will have seen it anyway! Anyway, I am pleased dangleway is now part of the lexicon.
16. Book 2 is even better, although it may be a while before it's in your library. I was fortunate that my aunt bought it, read it, then posted it to me.
26. The mud is quite localised. I've been for walks where conditions were quite pleasant, only to hit a quagmire. The mud itself dries very quickly, so while I was filthy, it wasn't as if I was squelching home on the bus or in the pub!
27. Should we crowdfund a DG sponsorship? To make sure it's officially branded with DanGleway? Or just 'Geezerway'? (My marketing department are insisting it should be Diamondway but they're always wrong about everything.)
10 - well at least the flat is tidy, only time I really bother is when there's visitors looming
7. I've had one drive on the pavement towards me for over 100m, in the dark, as he was on the wrong side of the road to join the traffic flow!

8. noticed the change back and decided I liked it better.

14. Awww RIP Jess.

15. Thank you Mystery Reader.

26. Ugh mud! Totally fed up with it. I'm ready for a locally, if not globally-warmed spring & summer!
27 - I know the cost will have been built into the contract, but the debranding does seem a waste, particularly when something physical such as tickets have to be thrown away.
6. Is there a theoretical date upon which both numbers are equal?
25: What Frank F. said.
25 Interesting! Besides the original, I do the Spanish and Cantonese versions, that arithmetical version and a different one, the world geography one, and the crosswordle.
2. We visited the Museum of London last week. We did not have tickets but the lady at the door let us in saying she would count us. It's possible the Tate issued you with a ticket so that they know how many visitors are in the gallery.
5. Yes! why do they do that right there, infuriating!
5. I have a horrible feeling that insisting people book but not really enforcing it may be here to stay so they can count visitors better. Unfortunately it puts me off as I like to wander and so am never sure when I'll turn up somewhere and don't want to go if they might turn me away for not having a ticket.

On a general point, I love the unblogged things monthly post. I can't remember when you started it now but it's been a great addition to the blog.
9 - further evidence you don’t get things delivered, we get through enough Amazon packaging at some times to fill 3 bags in a week.

17 - I'm trying to decide morally the correct number of lateral flow tests to acquire while they are still free. One close call requires daily testing for a week, which would be quite an expense, or are they dropping that now?
6. Ian, yes, because DG was born after the Queen's reign started and before she had ruled for 50% of her life.

For DG the date of equality was in 1978.
6 - this is one of those fascinating races in which both percentages constantly increase, and always will, but never of them can ever reach 100%.

A bit like watching progress of a large download* used to be in the dial-up era :-)
( * except that they did, very occasionally, complete)
26. Quite agree. I picked the wrong boots (tan) and had to spend an age cleaning them. That said, I saw precisely zero other people between Hatch Forest and Barn Hoppitt car park, so that was nice.
5. I'm sure I've managed to leave the house in jeans that shouldn't be allowed out of the house at least once...

14. Thanks for sharing this, and Jayne - thanks for the kind words. Writing about her helped me a lot to be honest.
14 - so sorry about Jess, Steve, she was a gorgeous moggie :(
14 Sorry to hear about Jess

15 Thanks dear Proof reader, a true unsung hero of this blog.
Poor Jess, and poor Steve and family. Another cat person sends you good wishes xx
8. It is lighter. Isn’t it?
25. Just tried the local government authority version, and was correct first time. I could get addicted....
Days which have not inspired comment:
1 11 13 18 19 20 21 23 28

(but the majority have, cheers!)

6. Thanks Miker
1. Well done for lasting an hour. I thoroughly enjoyed the comic edginess of the original BBC3 - where's the equivalent of Honky Sausages now?

This time I did my best but couldn't stand more than half an hour of it as I felt we were being force-fed right-on-ness. I don't wish to succumb to box-ticking correctness, especially in my own home whilst zoned out in front of the telly.
19. They do that to me too. My membership lapsed just over a year ago and I still get regular nagging letters.

Similarly, I made a one-off donation to the RNLI last year and received a barrage of mailshots.
Well, I've now had to bookmark this post just for the links in 25...

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