please empty your brain below

Here's something to look forward to and I reckon is distant enough but not too far off for you not to manage
Not only did the Mayans not count the tyime in hours, I doubt they kept Greenwich Mean Time either. The solstice will occur at about 1:22am local solar time at 89W - which is itself a nice numerical hit.
Oops, that should be 5:22 or thereabouts - it's too early in the morning for me.
I found a bottle in the bottom of the fridge with a use by date of 21/12/12. I think it must be mayannaise.
And not quite in the same category was 1984 with its prophesy of a big brother state which seemed unimaginably far away when reading the book as a young teenager.

I not sure if the date came and went and the prophesy didn't happen or it did happen and every one was either unaware of it or gave it its approval.
Did you look forward to the transits of Venus? Both visible from the UK, although I missed the second due to cloud. Most of us probably won't live to see the next ones.
Yep, transits of Venus too. Another long-term spectacle scheduled for 2012.

Given that the next transit is in 2117, I doubt anyone reading this today will see it.
4/9/16. Sorted that one for you.

Or for the real geeks, 05:03:02 on 7th November next year.
Well there's plenty of lesser anniversaries to celebrate, but I've got my eye on the Big One... the 1000th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings in 2066.
Ok, so I'll be 102, but I'm aiming to be there!! :D
So this is what the end of the world feels like.Can't say I notice anything different.
If you were paying attention yesterday evening we also had this time

2012 20/12/2012
Oh, did the world end?

My youngest son (4 years old) might live to see the transit in 2117. But it won't be visible from the UK, and I admit he is not currently a reader. I'd be over 140! Some of the transit in 2125 should be visible from the UK (weather permitting).

The transit in 2004 was spectacular, at a sensible time in the morning on a beautiful sunny day.
There was also Halley's Comet in 1986 - not expected back until 2061
how about 2038 19 Jan the end of unix time?

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