please empty your brain below

Ah well, worse things happen at sea.

Part 1 of 'A Christmas Carol for the Noughties', perhaps?

You should save that day's annual leave and try Amazon.

The best defence against a chugger is to smile like a loony and shout GREETINGS TO YOU, and walk past as if you haven't seen them. (Gathering enough wind to shout actually distracts you from catching their eye).

You know Christmas comes every year, you have plenty of time to be more organised in buying things. Quit complaining.

Why not whip out a clip-board and try to sell them something? Attack is the best form of defence. They'd run a mile.

By next week there will probably be even more off...

I once told a chugger, sorry, I don't speak English. It took him ages to realise and say, but you said that in perfect english, to which I replied, sorry mate, cant understand you.

Jona Lewie? You'll always find me in the kitchen at parties? Great tune.

I've never seen chuggers. We don't have them in the U.S. No one ever asks for money directly. Sometimes there will be canvasing for political causes... but not money.

Here we just have the Salvation Army ringing a bell for holiday charity. And they keep the donations in a bucket to keep a distance.

I once was foolish enough to stand for fifteen minutes to listen to a chugger on the Strand. I half-listened to what he had to say (about deaf children, I think), but then kindly made my leave when he started trying to tempt me to sign up to make donations by Direct Debit. I just ignore them completely now, of course.

Don't get me wrong though. I don't mind giving to charity representatives, just as long as they're not 'in your face'. Indeed, I gave 50p to Save The Children in Waterloo tube station the other day.

Nevertheless, I haven't done a scrap of Christmas shopping yet, in spite of the early recession-busting sales. Are you sure it's now only five days to Christmas? I might just have to dash to Oxford Street myself.

Went to MK Dons with Leeds; stadium's not finished yet so there were armies of people outside thrusting collection buckets in your face.
So what did we give them for Christmas? Three soft goals.

you'd be featured on '' if anyone could gain access to your bedroom. i'd love to see your 'piss off, curl up and die' face

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