please empty your brain below

Good luck to Geoff. I will be following progress...

And what is this about you not being able to drive? Only yesterday you were discussing renewing your driving licence. (ok maybe you need it as ID in pubs or to be able pay by cheque...)

The Epping on the far northern outskirts of Melbourne is flat as a tack and deathly dull. It's also the end of a train line...

Loved reading about the Tube Challenges!


PS "If only I could drive"? But yesterday you were talking about renewing your licence... I am sure i"ve missed something here?!?

Mark - snap!... But you need to 'be able to drive' at the time you originally get your licence, and technically you obviously still can drive, even if you never practise...

Not only does Epping have too many coffee shops, it has lots of charity shops too.

But not 'too many' charity shops - it's one of my favourite weekend destinations. The orange bakery (Belgique) is really nice: they do these meat/cheese platters, or high tea with tiered cake things.

The "able to drive" thing confuses me, too.

I might be officially allowed to drive an automobile, but that doesn't mean I'd be technically proficient. And I so wouldn't.

So THAT'S why my twitter exploded this morning with umpteen so many new followers!

Cheers mate.

It IS all your fault, yes.

The least you could do is fly out to California in late August to watch me cross the finish line...

As Geoff's 'Mater' I feel obliged to follow his every move. He doesn't get his madness from me I hasten to add, but I wish him luck anyway. I was in the US last week to give him a send off.

Maybe you could go beyond Epping, along the former Central line extension, to Ongar. Quite an interesting part of Essex, I hear. Maybe you could find when the trains run along the line to Ongar and schedule your explorations for then.

dg writes: no trains at the moment.

Also, according to Geoff's tweets today, there isn't actually anything in Epping, Maine.

Epping, Maine is all on video! It should be online by tomorrow morning... i hope...

I trust that SurreyGirl means 'Mater' in the sense of 'mother'

I took a ride on the Ongar branch over 20 years ago just out of curiosity. A pleasant rocking ride in the country along a single track ending in a very small village. What on earth did London Underground planners think when they thought of this route?

I have been following Geoff since the I POD days and participated with him in the Tube Relief Charity Run in 2005. I think he is doing a great trek across the States and will hook up with him when he hits my state. I even think I will try something like this in the UK for me!!

Blue Witch: Yes, when I was at school, 'Mater' meant mother in Latin classes. I thought saying 'Geoff's mum' sounded a bit well - mumsy. I follow DG and Geoff daily, and have started reading your blog too. (Nothing on the telly)

Oh dear. I just read this post (while sort of watching Wimbledon), decided to have a look at Geoff's blog and saw that his latest post was a very sorry tale indeed. It seems some bastard broke into his car and stole about $6000 worth of gear, including GPS, still camera, video camera, computer etc.

Full story here:


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