please empty your brain below

I don't think TfL are 'insisting' anyone takes the bus, they are just suggesting that that is what you can do if you wish and giving the options available. Mile End is hardly a tourist Mecca, so I would imagine most customers are locals who have a fair idea of where the surrounding stations are and can make a choice as to whether they want to walk there or ride a bus.

As for the station being closed, well it isn't. I changed trains there myself at the weekend, which I wouldn't have been able to do if it was closed. Like the banner said, the station was open, for interchange only. To say it was closed would have been even more misleading.

"Open for interchange only" would have been good. But the banner doesn't even say that.

Along similar lines, all the tfl pages I looked at yesterday said that Kings Cross St Pancras was closed but it wasn't. The Northern Line was stopping there and you could get on or off. The only thing you couldn't do was change, since none of the other lines were stopping.

Big red sign (not blue) = Oy - pay attention/stop - closure notice.
The sign then says "open for interchange" on specified dates. That's enough - most people don't read public signs unless they've been prevented from doing something. In that case it's perfectly adequate.
As to the web info - different kettle of fish - but infrequent users would use the journey planner - info comes up there doesn't it?

Brilliantly, if you use the Journey Planner it only offers an impossible journey starting at Mile End, then adds underneath that passengers are not able to enter the station. No diversionary route is offered.

If you went to TfL Journey Planner Live Update News and clicked on the very helpful Stations pdf it shows very clearly the closures for the next 6 months, included in this is Mile End Interchange Only - no entry or exit from the station

Adam - I don't know how many travellers choose to open an obscure pdf of 6 months of engineering works before setting out, just in case, but I'm guessing it's not many.

That is probably true, but the obscure pdf allows you to check in advance to see what is and is not closed and for how many weekends you are going to be disrupted. If people were to use it more they would not be needing to do last minute checks before setting out and will have less unpleasant surprises on the weekend. They may even be able to plan their journey ahead of time rather than when standing outside the station, having to improvise a plan and then complain about how bad their journey was. Which I believe is the reason for the pdfs

Adam - There are actually two pdfs that need to be checked - one for station closures and one for line closures - and the true picture is only revealed by combining the two.

Yes, they're very useful for forward planning, but it's no good hoping that tube users will spot them and make all the connections themselves.

The Mile End part-closure has not been well communicated.

Great post by Diamond Geezer.

Since the first not-well-publicised closure took place last weekend there is evidence of the poor information. Lots of bewildered folk getting off trains (no announcements) to discover they were trapped in the station and were forced to travel back to Stepney Green to try and squeeze onto a number 25. Pity the poor sod on the platform who had to try and explain this to an endless stream of furious customers.

To think of the endless drivel we endure on the District Line with drivers and digital announcers prattling on repeatedly about the escalators at Monument, the opening of Cannon Street, the closure of Blackfriars, being held at a red signal but we should be moving shortly etc etc and the ONE piece of essential information that you wouldn't get simply by looking at a map or using your basic common sense isn't actually mentioned!

You have, I presume, passed all these comments on to TfL? Or are you just whingeing to your readers?

Never assume that TfL aren't reading.
Or indeed commenting...

ive never seen you get this much stick or reply to so many posts!

I myself having nothing to say on the matter

DG, after I emailed you about this sign, I felt like such a geek... But hey! TfL geeks everywhere!

I wonder what happens if you get off the last train of the night at Mile End. Are you stuck on the platform until the next morning?

That in-station sign is poor. Logically, the people who are reading it are the people who are entering or exiting there, and thus who are MOST interested to know whether you can enter or exit at Mile End rather than whether you can change lines.

As usual, it seems that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing...

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