please empty your brain below

Dealing with FoI enquires can be a depressing, thankless job. My heart goes out to the team @ TfL who deal with these as they get far worse than I have to deal with in Day Job.
Is that Mothers Pride? Brings back memories of doe balls and rather nice toast.
(all clickable)
In response to Michael Jones malapropism:
Is "doe balls" taking the transgender agenda too far?
12 - Wikipedia says maximum speed of a DLR train is 100 kph/62 mph. So I assume that they've provided the highest lowest speed on 'plain' track, most of the rest is rated at 80 kph, the ride would be 'interesting' at 80 mph.

The Beckton branch is listed in one lump as Canning Town - Poplar and Stratford as Stratford - Heron Quays.
6) Take that, Susan Hall! Wonder if Uxbridge and South Ruislip will return a Tory MP again on Thursday!

9) That's good to know if ever I am in need of catching one!

16) Or in 'Old English', - there is a toilet available at ...., perhaps?!

19) Also good to know, when the impression is that people seem to be becoming more tetchy!
7). In a similar vein, I spotted a new permanent-looking modular toilet for the benefit of drivers at the Old Lodge Lane end of the 312 the other day. Good to know someone's looking out for drivers.
7. I wonder what alternative arrangements are in place for those termini outside of pub opening hours. Perhaps a similar agreement with a local Costa?

I also find it amusing that the Finery PH provides service for drivers of the N7 and N137, when it closes at 11pm (12am on Fri/Sat) and the first N137 departure isn't until 1:05!
OK so the Brewers Fayre is open from 6:30am weekdays, 7am weekends, so that covers most of it. Google thinks the Raging Ball is open 24h!
7. Premises, licenced or not, could make toilet facilities available to drivers outwith opening times, by having a toilet with a door to the outside, with or without a lock code. I have no idea whether they do this, just saying it would be possible.
16. Gender neautral toilets seem to be getting some people very worked up at the moment so TfL may find themselves having to describe things more clearly to avoid grumbles from some quarters. In the case of Hillingdon at least, it's just a single lockable cubicle that anyone can use, rather than a larger facility that I think is the focus of attention where hypothetically one could find oneself washing ones hands next to a person of a different identity.
Jon Jones - yes, it can be for some requests, having previously answered quite a few myself. For the more obnoxious ones I sometimes relieved the pressure by giving exactly the information requested rather than what you could tell they really needed to know. Sometimes a polite query to TfL Customer Service or even a post on an enthusiasts forum would get a far more useful answer.
7) When I was a child in the 50s lots of bus route blinds showed pub names as the terminus — Stanley Arms, at the World’s End in Chelsea, was my nearest — allegedly a hangover (sic) from the days when both drivers and horses needed somewhere to pee/snaffle fodder at the end of a journey.
7. The 228 bus terminates at "Maida Hill, The Chippenham" but the pub has been closed for a long time so that's not very helpful for the driver

(Street View shows the windows covered up in 2017. Intriguingly, the name above the doors seems to have changed to "The C Chippenham" at some time in 2022).
#7 claims to be sourced from the Blue Book, which is also available under FOI, and yet, the Blue Book:
* Doesn't mention the Brewers Fayre at all
* Says the Finery is only for route 7 (and not 159, N7, N137).
It does agree that the Raging Bull is open 24/7 however.

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