please empty your brain below

Surely it's worth replying with a 'what's in it for me'?

No? Just me being a greedy freeloader, then.

Could I add that they can leave me off the list too? I have 54 similar requests for 'advertising' in my sub-BW-e-mail-file entitled 'beggars'. And I only started that in January (just as an experiment, rather than deleting them).

But, if you think it's bad now, just wait a couple of years. And they'll soon start hitting your Twitter stream too.

And the reason it *does* work, of course, is that everyone wants a piece of the action, as Dan says.

Money is the root of all evil in our 'developed world', and everyone has their price (usually related to the strengths of one's ethics and morals I think).

Reminds me of a job I had years ago where is became evident to me that everyone else was passing off wheedling, info seeking bods to me. It got to the stage where they'd burst into my office, open their mouths and then gasp. For, you see, my immediate response was - "What do YOU want?" (never saw 'em again....)

But if they all went elsewhere, you wouldn't get a chance to show what a whining bunch of parasites PR people are.

One of the great things about this topic is that in the comments page we get lots of whining posts from PR people claiming that they are not parasites.

What if its an advert for Kittens R Us? That would be worth it, surely?

Reminds me of the song with the immortal first lines "Don't put your daughter on the stage Mrs Worthington". Noël Coward only wrote it to stop women writing to him to try to advance the careers of their would-be star-of-the-stage daughters. He called it his biggest failure as they didn't take the hint and wrote to him in ever increasing numbers.

You have been warned.

I may start a sub-folder for all the bloody emails that I get too. Sometimes, and I mean, sometimes, I will put up a post about something that I think is a worthy cause - but only after I have checked it thoroughly to make sure it is what it says it is.

And no, I will not advertise, so will people kindly find some other blog that will advertise their stuff for them?

What am I doing wrong? Nobody sends me wheedling PR emails...

I'll happily forward you mine disgruntled. Please provide your email address...

I've got a watch I'll sell for a tenner. Any takers?

Dear Diamond Geezer,

CBS Inc is holding an exclusive event this weekend just outside London (to be honest, it's actually just outside Birmingham but it's all the same to my American target audience) and I hope I can tempt you to cover it on your fantastic blog (which I've read at least once).

The event will take place in one of the region's top quality suburban green spaces (my in-law's garden) and will involve young children (two of them, at least) hunting for brightly-coloured prizes that have been cunningly hidden amongst the undergrowth.

I'm sure you'll agree that this is a stunning opportunity and I hope you'll be able to join us on the day.

I hardly get anything now. I think they have twigged that I am in Norfolk and thus do not fit a desirable demographic. You'd think at least a few tractor manufacturers would be in touch.

I HAVE in the past said 'ok' if it has been people wanting to send me something physical in the post, like a product. On the STRICT and VERY CLEARLY LAID DOWN basis that I might or might not write about it, and if I did it would NOT NECESSARILY BE WHAT THEY WANTED. The reason for that isn't cos I like free stuff, although I do - it's because it makes it into an event - the postman comes, I open the parcel, it is exciting!!! Booo it is a crushing disappointment.

Which can be fun and I have no qualms about writing about. Erm - not many companies take me up however, after the strict/clear
ot necessarily what they want bit is explained.

Boooo. I'm not proud. Send me free stuff, PR companies who will be reading this. Especially tractors.

Heh. It's why the Inspector Sands inbox has gone untouched for a very long time...

Vulpine - I have a watch I can sell to you for a fiver ...

Even today, they come...

My name is Vincenzo, and I work for a Viral marketing agency. I am doing the seeding on behalf of <hotel company> to launch an extravagant international bed jumping contest.

Hope you will like it. I would like to know if there is any chance to get a post in your website. Let me know if you are interested.


that reminds me i had a spam email the other day

the title wasnt cialis viagra casino enlargement girth russian brides or medz

but quite short and straight to the point....


:o) how do they know me???

what is a viral seeding company? offshot of a company selling genetically 'enhanced' seeds?

Looks like you're going to have to continue wheeding your wheedlings.

If any social marketing gurus are reading this, please ignore DG's request to plug your goods elsewhere; he might post some more gems in the future!

Any chance you could do a short piece about my 'closing down' Golf Sale...

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