please empty your brain below

So if the world is ending tomorrow, no need to pay the gas bill this month?

I love horses. Best of all the animals.

Oh DG you have made me do it.

The voices!

Oh god, I used to write advertorial copy. Not something I'm proud of but one has to eat.

My book on how long this is going to last is open... faites vos jeux...

I like the punchy uplifting style. Now where did I leave my crack pipe...

This business relationship is not going to end well is it.

aaaaagghhhh aaaaggggggggg aggggggg. You're off my list if you don't resume normal service. aaaaaagh aaaahh. Screams holding head. aaaagghhh

Are we there yet, Geezer?

Sooo .... green .... no kittens ...

And how come none of the Grid London links work? Is this another wind up? Everything on their page is a 404.

Hmmm ... is it actually possible to write about the end of the world in a positive and uplifting manner? I'm sure that Grid London wouldn't want you to talk about being swallowed by a giant black hole if you're going to mention that we will all no longer exist come Thursday.

At least you can say that there's only a one in 60 million chance of Nostradamus's predictions coming true tomorrow.

BTW - your green colour made me think. Years ago my favourite search engine was HotBot - it was a brilliant, clean and very effective engine. It was, however, GREEN - but so were a lot of screens in those days as the default colour was green on black...God that was a long time ago, now I think about it. Anyways - I'd forgotten what had happened to Hotbot and did a non-Go - Ogle search (refuse to us Go - Ogle). So, here we have a new search engine - admittedly created by ex-Go - Ogle staffers but you came up several times on a search for your blog name - peculiar entry points though!
Check it:

Ooops sorry, missed sending blog birthday greetings yesterday. Have been reading the blog for about 3 yrs. Not sure about the 'Going Green' theme tho, a bit sickly. Do you recycle regularly?

I don't understand. Is this a windup? There has never been real content on Grid London.

Sorry, missed yesterdays post.
belated birthday wishes—
To think you have slaved daily over a pc for six years WITHOUT PAY.
Ermm.... do you do gardening, car cleaning??

Interesting. Write a post on a green background about trousers, and absolutely nobody comments on the trousers.

Magda is going to be a source of great fascination, I can tell, though I suspect there may be irreconcilable artistic differences before too long (how are you on shoes, by the way?)

Where in Grid London does Mornington Crescent feature, I wonder?

Make it stop...

Happy birthday for yesterday!

I'm with Debster, I am not paying any bills now due. I also started a diet yesterday too, absolutely starving now, so off to buy a couple of cream cakes. Fish and chips for tea!

Please give it the fuck up

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