please empty your brain below

I recognised the Oxbow block of flats because Monday night 70 firefighters attended a serious fire there. Four people were rescued, with one admitted to hospital. The London fire brigade Twitter shared some disturbing video of the incident. Report by the brigade here.
… sub-John-Lewis curtains…

Another reason to read every DG blog.
"..sub-John-Lewis curtains.." wins Friday's prize for middle-class diss of the day!
A candidate for the B-road-I'd-least-like-to-live-on' award, I think.

However, to compensate, Google's top return for "B125" is pleasing: Manhole covers, and I learn something new. Specifically, B125 Loading Group 2, "covers and gratings capable of withstanding a 125kN test load.. For use in car parks & pedestrian areas where infrequent vehicle access is likely (incl. driveways)." JD Pipes, supplying this information covers a range of topics I'd never previously considered, including: "How do you measure the size of a manhole cover?" and "What is the difference between manhole covers and access covers?"
Notably, they advise that while "you should always over estimate the loading requirement for manhole and access covers.. it would be costly to install an F900-rated cover, capable of withstanding moving aircraft, in your back garden."

You were, of course, not very far from the excellent Grade 2 Listed Bromley Hall School which you blogged about previously. Tower Hamlets have recently decided to dispose of the school to Poplar HARCA and why that shouldn't mean demolition, the description of the state of the school and what is left of it in the documents makes me fear for its future.
The recently-submitted planning application for the redevelopment of the northern half of the Aberfeldy estate (PA/21/02377/A1) proposes the "formation of new pedestrian route through the conversion and repurposing of the Abbott Road vehicular underpass for pedestrians and cyclists", so it may eventually end up safe enough for pedestrians on the unhatched lane as well.

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