please empty your brain below

I think it was in an interview with Evan Davis on PM this week, where the guest said that everyone will eventually be infected with C-19, there was no counter argument to this statement, this is why I think retaining the restrictions any longer is now utterly pointless

There is a part of the population that doesn't realize this, and that they can avoid the inevitable.
Looking at my Boots Scribbling Diary for 1966, I can find no mention of football on July 30th. Or any other day of the year. That day I was entirely concerned about test transmissions from the pirate Radio City on 299 metres!
It's like he's just fed up with dealing with it and can't be bothered any more.
Agreed, Sarah. I'm sure it'll come back to bite him eventually, but at what cost to everyone else?

Whatever we are 'allowed' to do I'm going to remain in semi-lockdown as much as I can.
The only thing I'd like to see reopen are fitting rooms as I've not bought any jeans in 5 years, and the situation is becoming desperate!
Does this mean Covid testing will cease?
Why bother testing if the NHS app has been switched off and there is no requirement to self-isolate?
I too will continue wearing a mask beyond my home, observing as best I can social distancing, sanitising and hand-washing. We are being sacrificed for profit. You can always start another business (with government help perhaps) but you can't un-disable people or bring us back from the dead. Still, it's a great way to cut the future State pensions and NHS bills by killing off us old folk... Except some of us ain't going so easy.
Cornish Cockney - It's only partial freedom. Step 4 of the roadmap still talks about Test, Trace and Isolate being ongoing for the rest of the year and isolation after a positive test will still be a legal requirement. The app is still on to ping you as a close contact of a positive case, but is being amended to reflect the removal of 1m+ social distancing.
As ScotNats never tire of pointing out (pedantry seems to be their forte), the Queen awarded the George Cross not to the NHS but to NHS England, NHS Scotland, NHS Wales, NHS NI.
All you need to know is that a person is just an economic unit to the government. Remember this, and everything suddenly makes sense.

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