please empty your brain below

Choose life...
Happy Easter DG
If my garden is full of bluebells front and back, does that mean they are hunting me?
... or carry out the task you have been allocated, whether it is emptying a bed-pan or wiping a table in a National Trust cafe, or driving an ambulance, and look forward to a different rostering next year...

dg writes: No. 44
read DG on the internet and get three ideas of what to do today (NT property, coffee shop, check Facebook)
Happy Easter DG, what are you doing this weekend
Why do we still allow a handful of religionists to shut the shops on Easter Sunday in an anachronistic attempt to make people go to church?

Other countries don't put up with such nonsense, even those still deeply steeped in religious dogma.

But we know Theresa may not do what she really oughta, after all she's still the vicar's daughter...
Χριστὸς ἀνέστη!
Gerry - the current government did attempt to let local councils relax the Sunday Trading Act, but their attempts were defeated in the Commons by the SNP, where the law doesn't actually apply.

One of my colleagues arrived at work via Westfield Stratford, which is apparently full of people looking confused because none of the shops look like they're about to open.

(Anyway, number 44 reporting in; ensuring people are able to do number 27 - except with the one that's owned by a phone company.)
Got a busy day planned there DG! You probably should have started on Friday.

I want to see the pictures of your full-on mountaineering! :D
Easter in the UK, always brings back memories of marches to Aldermaston, with my CND supporting parents.
eat chocolate; but if you wait till there are any Easter eggs being sold off at half price in the next few days to clear, these will only contain half the calories shown on the pack.
Down a Creme Egg in ONE bite!
For the last 10 years I have been abroad on holiday at Easter. Stayed in UK this year. I know why I preferred pool in the sun and it will be so next year again.
As a resident of Germany, where the shops only open 6 days a week, I've found it pretty amusing to see surprised Londoners encountering closed shops today.

I quite like the Sunday closing in Germany, because by rejecting 1 trading day out of 7 it shows the country is not in thrall to unrestrained capitalism.
I didn't realise the Germans still had a day of rest each week - no wonder they're so much more productive than we are.
Gerry, I can't believe you're such a slave to consumerism, as you wouldn't be reading DG.
@ RogerB

You'll be delighted to be reassured that I'm certainly not a slave to consumerism (e.g. I didn't have a TV for about 15 years because I thought it was rubbish, and still do) but nor do I want to be a slave to any religion !

Nor am I a Mr Gradgrind or a Mr. Burns*, no-one should be forced to work on a Sunday, but if I want to browse or buy something and a student wants to serve me and earn a few bob for college fees, why should religion make it illegal?

*OK, I admit occasionally watching the Simpsons...

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