please empty your brain below

Thompson twins... hmm... maybe skip my idea for the blog of your favourite albums from each of your buying years.
I'm looking forward to the '30 unblogged things I did in April'.
31 years ago. How did the tape recorder fare?
What about before 1980?
I enjoy the way you slip in the info that you have been to San Francisco. I haven't.
I fear my 18th of April's would contain a lot more "stayed in"'s!
Why was Terry Scott hanging around a school playground in the 1970s? You know what, I don't want to know.
31 - I did that, and put it back together again. The only problem was that having identified the defective part, couldn't find a replacement. Audacity on the laptop does the job now.

27 - How ex-site-ing!
22 - I wonder how many of us had to look up Laa Laa. I'd forgotten the names.
25 Looking forward to one day happily wasting another day sitting round a pool in Lanzarote although accept that you wouldn't.
18 - Maryland, USA, or Maryland, East London?
22. I was probably doing the same, we may have crossed paths!
Terry Scott was from Watford I believe, so it's entirely possible that he may have been visible from the young DG's school playground.
27. Risqué then: risky now.
37: what a good game, both then and now. Did history record which power you played? Do you ever still have the opportunity and/or inclination to play?
40. I see your Terry Scott in the playround and raise you my spotting Sidney Poitier crossing our school's courtyard with teachers and pupils looking on in sheer disbelief. To be fair, most of us thought it was Denzel!

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