please empty your brain below

Looks like you were there later than me, walked through on the way to look round Battersea Power Station before the shops opened.

Its the sheer quantity of the second hand tools that gets me and then there is the stall selling massive wall mounted TV screens. Who buys one of those at a market?
My local unglamorous market! Given the huge crowds every week it's always surprising how many people live next to it but have never heard of it, while other neighbours are regulars.

New Covent Garden market is similarly widely unheard of, despite being a sizeable local employer, maybe because it's a bit invisible from most of the surrounding roads.

The good news is the Sunday market should survive the new builds - which will occupy a van parking area that it doesn't use.
I assume this was your mystery location visited on Sep 4th.
Great to hear about this. New Covent Garden opened in 1974 to be exact.

dg writes: updated, thanks.
One of my favourite London experiences is to go down to Vauxhall on the weekend of the Oval test match. The mixture of people arriving for the cricket, those going to the market and others staggering out of the clubs is unique and wonderful.
Fascinating. Sounds a bit like how Camden Market used to be, but I think that has moved up market since I was last there.
The flower market was on the site of the railway works, I believe, which was itself on the site of the station, which was closed in 18-something when the main line from the South-west was extended to Waterloo.
A classic and delicious piece of social commentary. It's sad to think this market's days are numbered, land like that it's standing on no longer being cheap or plentiful. So much for a more diverse society...
Nine Elms Sunday Market sounds like the place where the soul of the nation is found rather than at BPS.
I keep looking back at the photo of the table covered in colourful caps, and I'm reminded of Ken Dodd's Diddymen.
I anticipated the last paragraph but my guess was the whole site would be banished elsewhere (again).
Thanks to your article I've just been to the Nine Elms Market today for the first time, and saw the new Nine Elms and Battersea Power Station Stations for the first time.

I'm very, very impressed with it! A massive market and I don't even think I managed to get all the stalls. Much better than Dagenham Sunday Market in my opinion, although I wish there were more ladies' clothing stalls.

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