please empty your brain below

Tell them you are a SAD git who needs the sunshine for medical reasons.

You are too nice.

Sorry, it goes *right* in my eyes in the morning at this time of year. Promise to leave them up in summer.

You could always have a chat with your colleague to come to an arrangement. Stand up for yourself boy.

"Well yes I do mind, actually. I'm not going to tell you that out loud though, because it might appear rude."

Surely it's better to appear rude? You clearly don't even like this person. Come on man, break through the culturally inherent aversion and assert youself!

A summer job I had once during student days was in an office. The permanent staff gave me the only desk without a blind-right in front of the gents'tiolets. I think I got a suntan that summer and a resilience to smells.

I think we must work in the same office - only I'm not asked, the blinds are put down in spite of me. (And I sneak over and put them back up as soon as I can.)

I'm the same at home, hate the curtains being shut before it's properly dark. Because there is still light in the sky and it's something we should revel in until it's completely faded.

If they're venetians or vertical it's easy enough to cut the glare without blocking out the light but awareness of such things spacial with a bit of geometry seems to escape the vast majority of office workers.
A bit of gumption DG and you could manage a compromise surely? She (it is a she isn't it?) will be having the same dark treacherous thoughts about the sneeky sod who opens the blind as soon as her back's turned.
It's never easy to find the balance between diplomatic compromise with one's colleagues and pandering to their idiotic power issues.
I'd bet you have a similar issue with the same culprit and cranking the heating/aircon up to the max and leaving it there with no comprehension of setting it to a comfortable temp and leaving it?
(grill a squirrel for tea)

I'm buying you an assertiveness course for FOTCR™

My declining eyesight may be a problem, but it has its advantages - in just that situation, I can now quite honestly say, "I'd prefer you didn't becuase I then won't be able to see!"

But a camera diffuser and tape it across the window

You have sun?

you should get a newspaper column, brillant! sc

aaargghh, know the type, Bet they're the same ones that get colds and INSIST on dragging themselves into the office where upon they proceed to infect each and everyone of you with their germs.

You're just trying to make me jealous. My office doesn't even have a window.

Scary! This reflects my daily thoughts almost exactly!

I would hate to work in a dark, dingy office. Fortunately, most offices I work in have nice large windows which let in a lot of natural light. Of course, with our weather, we Londoners need all the sunlight we can get.

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