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Does anyone know if you can see the cows from the railway line? If so, I will make a point of looking out for them next time I'm heading to Birmingham.

Yep, you can see them from the railway; especially as the leaves are falling now. They're about 3 min north of MK Central Station. As you pass the third road overpass from the station look immediately to the right of the train (going north) and they are in the field, fairly close to the foot of the road embankment (Monks Way).
Satellite image here.

I didn't know they were still there and the ones in the shopping centre were imposters?

Hmm, according to the latest press releases...

... the pristine shiny cows in the shopping centre are the originals;
... the flaky weatherbeaten cows in the park are the replacements.

I must say I find that hard to believe.

I think the cows look a bit more realistic when zipping past at speed - but it's nice to see them for slightly longer than 1.5 seconds. Thanks!

The cows are delightful, but ... but ... surely they're all fakes?

Thanks for visiting my old home town, MK. It is a lovely and much maligned city. I spent many many days by Willen Lake bird watching - it is a real hot spot for rarities. The other side of the lake, where the water sports are, is more like MK by the sea in Summer, with hundreds of kids, ice creams and teas, and a little steam railway (if its still there).

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