please empty your brain below

Just checked my watch, and it's showing the 29th without me having touched it

I knew that checking here when I got home would result in a bunch of Feb 29 trivia.

Thanks DG!

Great stuff. Today feels quite unique doesn't it? But there again, every day is unique!

DG, it might be wise not to open any emails today

I'm pretty sure the number of watches that have no clue how many days are in a month outnumber the ones that do. Thye majority run merrily on to the 31st of every month. (mine doesn't even do months - I like uncluttered faces)

One other point about February 29th is that all of the Daily Photo sites have one extra photo for people to look at.

Re: 5) - I think I have exactly zero chance of being born on 29th February. Unless we're talking reincarnation here.

"There are only 24 leap years this century because 2100 won't be a leap year."

Actually every century is not a leap year (hence 1900 also not being leap year) apart from every 1000/400 years (can't remember which) it IS a leap year.

This is because it isn't exactly 365 1/4 days a year, so adding a day every 4 years overcompensates, so they don't have one once a century to adjust it back. But this then overcompensates in the other direction, so once every 400/1000 years they DO have one after all.

Complicated business, this Gregorian calendar adjustment

This Gregory bloke must have been rather bored.

Being Pope must do that to you...

Peter (above) does indeed have zero chance of being born on 29th February but he is looking at that from his perspective. He knows something DG does not know - namely his birth date. From DG's perspective the odds stated are correct.

You cannot calculate probability without taking into account the knowledge posessed by the observer.

Or does he mean that the chances of being born on any date are nil since the event has already happened therefore the chance of this occurring as a future event is nil ?

The place that I work had a problem in the finance department today. The software would not work at all because apparently the date was invalid. It's that kind of oversight, and the fact that so many companies still do not let you have a hyphen in your name, that really pisses me off.

Pedantic, I meant, in part, both of those things. I was mainly trying to point out that DG had expressed his fact in rather curious and contentious way. I expect he did so intentionally.

I often wish/that the blessed virgin mary/had had her brat/on the 29th of february. Yes, !`m a miserable old sod but we would appreciate it a lot more.

Today is the 1st of March and the first time I have ever come to this site before there was a new post up.

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