please empty your brain below

Malcolm - gender neutral toilets are every woman's worst nightmare. Just look at the state portaloos at shows get in. *shudders*

Just why (many) men cannot use toilets cleanly has always been beyond my understanding. I do wonder what their 'facilities' at home are like...

*awaits being turned brown as off topic... but well, these things matter y'know*
# Blue Witch
With you all the way there! Toilets on trains- to be avoided at all costs! Gender neutral- yukkk! I have been on crutches or walking sticks a few times in my life and the state in which some disabled facilities are left beggars belief!
I don't care if this is off topic, the message might get through to those who need to be told!
As the risk of being turned brown too...

The state of the gents facilities in the offices I have worked in often disappoints me. Leaving the seat up is the half of it. Some men seemingly cannot piss in a pot (*why* is there a puddle *under* the urinal?). Some people don't know how to flush (please, no one else wants to be greeted by your pile of waste). As for the brown marks up the wall...


Look, if you make a mess, please just tidy it up for the next person. Thankyouverymuch.

I can see why the women would not want to share facilities with the men. Often I rather not.
"We aim to please.
Will you aim too, please."
As someone who used to have clean both gents and ladies toilets in a fast food restaurant, the experience there was that the ladies toilets always were in a much worse state - toilet paper liberally dropped on the floor, lipstick/make up marks by the sinks/mirrors etc.
Been on a work computer all day where they won't load the comments section so I was left guessing what the comments would be this time... did not expect gender neutral toilets.
Point Percy Prettily.
Replying to the original comment, urinals are a very time and space efficient way for men to urinate. To replace this number (e.g. at a sports or concert venue) would require a vast number of individual WCs which would take up a lot of space and cost a fortune.
I've been told this multiple times by multiple people who've been tasked with WC cleaning duty at some point in their lives:

The average state of the Men's is worse than the Ladies'. But for the most part, it's just piss. When the Ladies' is worse than the Men's (which is more frequent than many of us might believe), it is an unholy terror.
Only a male could have marginalised the important subject of protecting toilets for women against the onslaughts of males. Frankly, that is taking the piss.

And why the current use of 'gender neutral' rather than 'unisex'?
Best thing? Watching blokes queue.

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