please empty your brain below

I think the first paragraph is rather more likely.

Road to hell etc.

Have you sold your soul to the devil?

Here's your missing 'n'. (No charge).

Having walked along the Greenway (hah!) and tried to find the way around Pudding Mill Lane some years ago, anything would be better, but this sounds a lot (but it would, wouldn't it?)


I live near the Sydney Olympic Park which is now a very popular park in the geographic centre of Sydney and its most multicultural part. Looks like you will get to enjoy the same post-Olympics.

Boris Johnson Austerity Housing Estate.

Depressingly that thought has been with me for most of the day now.

I like the picture on p2 of Parklands and Public Realm update (pdf) showing 'Example of northern parklands'. It reminds me of Bully Fen Community Woodland, before they grubbed it all up to remediate it. Heartening to hear last night they (ODA) won an industry award for Remediation last month too!

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