please empty your brain below

You could have added Elphinstone Rd E17.

In commemoration of the leader of possibly* the greatest British military screw up of all time - the first western retreat from Kabul in 1842.

* Though Dunkirk, where an army abandoned all it's kit, lost umpteen lives and had to be rescued by volunteers, runs it close.
Great post - I like a series - so look forward to reading about all the other countries
I always think that London is a great place to hold international sports events ( such as the Olympics) as we have lots of representatives of each country in our midst.
Also worth noting is that the Afghan embassy is effectively an embassy for a government in exile, and their "Passport, Visa, Tarkera, Power of Attorney & Other Consular Services" may be of dubious value.

What's a Tarkera, anyway? The only references I can find are for a dam in India.

dg rechecks photo: sorry, Tazkera.
Brian: most major capitals do; some like Paris, Brussels or Washington might even have more, but that isn't really of much use for Olympics (sports facilities are more relevant and money even more so)
I know quite a lot about the interiors of the stucco houses on Prince’s Gate because I briefly lived at No.23 - my girlfriend’s father was the bursar of the Montessori school there and lived above the shop. The rooms were slightly cramped and dingy, since presumably they were previously servants’ quarters, and there was a rattly old lift to take you up there. But I was able to have my wedding reception in a beautiful big room downstairs with double doors letting on to the gardens at the back. It’s been downhill all the way since for me, in terms of accommodation anyway…
I often enjoy posts such as this, something quirky and out-of-the-blue and today I'm motivated enough to tell you. I'm looking forward to the next 192 inshallah.
Sounds like an interesting series to come.
I wonder how the then residents of Khyber Road reacted when the classic Carry On film "Carry on up the Khyber" came out.
As a diversion into London Bus history, I am intrigued by the office address of Afghan Aid.

Maybe a topic for the future.
Putters : Don’t forget Singapore and Insandalwana!
What a good idea for a new series. Like others I'll be following this with interest.

How do you do it? You seem to have covered every possibility and then come up with this. It's an example of something that seems so obvious, but that I would never have thought of.

Keep up the good work!
I wonder if Palestine will qualify for this series by the time you get to P?
Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary! Now there's a phrase I'm going to have to incorporate into my life more!

What a great idea for a series! Just when you think there can't possibly be anything left to cover in London too!
If you ever find yourself in Baltimore, there’s quite a (locally) famous Afghan restaurant out in a suburb. After I had enjoyed some incredibly delicious food the proprietor came over to say hi… turned out he had previously lived in Hounslow, about a 5 minute bus ride from where I was also living at the time!
What a fabulous idea for a post series, and what a fascinating start to it.
if Putin has his way you may save a few months at least.
I wonder what you're planning to do when you reach the United Kingdom in this list.
The National Army Museum is more likely to have something on the Afgan Wars of the Victorian period as the Imperial War Museum only really starts it's collections by focusing on the First World War.
‘Can we keep an eye on this guy going round taking photographs of government embassies and other buildings. Could nail him for ‘attempting to collect information likely to be useful for terrorism, contrary to Section 58 of the Terrorism Act’ like we did the guy taking pictures of Iranian TV in Chiswick Business Park. Can’t be too careful!’
Interesting as a standalone post, but this will get tedious fast.
tedious for whom? I am already looking forward to where the andorran enclaves are in London.
This is excellent and I just cannot see how you will be able to do such meticulous research and travel to do every country as thoroughly and entertainingly as this.

Handy hint - when researching for Australia do not visit Canberra Road in Charlton unless you want an example of colourless suburb mediocrity.

Putters - Dunkirk was a triumph bearing in mind the alternative. As the man himself said, "Wars are not won by evacuations."

But they can be continued.
Barking has an Afghan restaurant. The menu seems to be reasonably priced. I must try it sometime.
Afghan Kitchen - Upper Street. Tiny little café, limited offerings but good, authentic food. I would always treat myself to the chicken and spinach curry with rice when in the area for courses.
Excited for (and good luck with) Andorra!
I am so on board with this series.

And, as a director of the Liberian Philatelic Society, I am on tenterhooks to see what comes up other than a (nice but I suspect unremarkable) road in N5.
A flappy dangler in Exhibition Road? The mind boggles.

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