please empty your brain below

George Galloway has been nothing but a blighted stain on my constituency since his cloven hooves first dropped onto the Roman Road. I have yet to hear what he has done for us, except lick milk from Rula Lenska's hands dressed as a kitty, getting kicked out of the House of Commons (which, he may not know, is the place where we have "elected" him to "represent" us) and touring around America and the like earning an extortionate amount of money to share his thoughts with an unsuspecting public.

I think I may personally mount a one-man campaign in Limehouse to get people to vote for anyone else but him. Please let this man slink off forever because God help the constituency that gets him as an MP as absolutely nothing will happen there for at least four years.

Yes - but we "on the even poorer side of the street" don't want him foist on us!

Yes "bring it on" anytime you like! Lets see the smile wiped of the 'New Labour' face when George beats Jim Fitzpatrick.

Jim Fitzpatrick's record:
Pro War
Pro trident renewal
Pro extending detention without trial
Pro ID cards
Pro university top-up fees

George Galloway's record:
Anti war
Anti trident renewal
Anti extending detention withot trail
Anti ID cards
Anti university top-up fees.
Pro Council Housing
Pro keeping the NHS under public control (no PFI private hospitals)
Pro Local Government and against private finance taking over Council services.
Pro good public libraries, sports centres and good Youth Services provided for and by Local Councils, not the private market.
Pro The Post Office keeping open the small post offices
Pro good decent public transport without private finace involvement (like the tube system).

All the things 'Old Labour' used to believe in before they sold out to 'neoliberalsim' and the worship of the private market ('profit is all').

Like I said "bring it on" and let the working people of Poplar and Limehouse decide - I can't wait.

Like George said:
"It's going to be a battle of the Scots in the East End of London.
"Me standing in the tradition of Keir Hardie, him standing in the tradition of Ramsay MacDonald, the betrayer of everything Labour stands for.
"It's going to be a very interesting contest."

Neil Williams
Respect Supporters Blog

Please note: Neil lives in Milton Keynes.

The word "disinterest" is starting to acquire further new meanings. It seems now that it also means "distain" or maybe "contempt". Who knows ? I think it it rapidly becoming a Humpty-Dumpty word that can mean whatever the user pleases but is consequently incapable of conveying anything meaningful to the reader.

I live in Jim's constituency.

To his list of faults you can add his support for the Freedom of Information (Amendment) bill. I guess his political beliefs also count against him somewhat egregiously

However, when I wrote to him to complain about his support for the FoI amendment, he was polite, pleasant and engaged with me.

I subsequently took him up on an offer to go on a tour round the Palace of Westminster. He put on a good show and was very friendly.

Whilst I would never have voted for him prior to my encounter, I moved to thinking I may merely spoil my ballot.

The emergence of Galloway into the equation may be enough to make me hold my nose and actually vote for Mr. Fitzpatrick.

If anything would make me go back to voting Labour it would be the thought that it's the only way to ensure Galloway is not elected.

It is not unreasonable to imagine that, actually, a Galloway candidature might allow the Tories in. All those expensive flats in the south of the constituency have turned both wards on the Isle of Dogs Conservative.

I would post a coherant reply but am too busy laughing about 'Neil lives in Milton Keynes'.

I wouldn't vote for the man in a million years. Particulary as i have only about 42 years left in me.

I am way too cynical and disillusioned and suspect that many of the prosperous of Poplar and Canning Town may vote for Galloway precisely because he has been on Big Brother. There are people whose knowledge and life experience is so limited despite - or perhaps because - of their expensive education that they won't have any name recognition for their elected local representative but can name all sorts of nobodies who've been on Big Brother and think CBB is an objective measure of talent and/or popularity.

I'm generalising - I have a (accountant) friend who lives in Limehouse and he's the antipathy of the caricature I have painted.

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